Posted 12 years ago
(60 items)
This was an estate sale find for today. I thought was interesting. It appears to be hand made because the shape is not perfect. It has ridges around the matte glazed bottom portion and it has a dimpled like affect on the shiny speckled glazed top. I also liked the pressed design along the top lip of the vase. No marks though, :-(. So it must have had a paper label. Has anyone ever seen anything like it?
I found a Van Brickle with similar shape and the Greek key pattern at the neck, but couldn't get any info as it was an expired auction site. I don't know any thing about Van Brickle and whether there were unmarked pieces.
Sorry, I meant Van Briggle!
Thanks Mary H. I will check that out. I live near Colorado Springs so You might be right.. I thought they always marked there wares. Maybe they didn't.
I'm pretty sure its roseville.
This is Roseville Imperial II 200-4. Very nice find! (It's about 4-1/2" tall, yes?)
Sorry, 200-4-1/2" (shape and size). :)
Wow! You are right! Thanks, sarahoff and dasullywon you all know your pottery!
I love unmarked Roseville pottery:)