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Kralik - ...the usual suspects

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Bohemian Art Glass5830 of 6907MY BEAUTIFUL HARRACH? - MOSER? VASEKralik - Lava pieces
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (236 items)

    To wrap up this series (I might add a few more later)... here is a group of vases we usually think of as high end kralik. Notice I omitted everything before 1930- the early stuff already commands the best prices and collectability (...not a word?).

    This group is made up of patterns and shapes we recognize and already enjoy collecting, in other words they are the establishment of great later Kralik glass.

    P.S. with Kralik size does matter!

    1, Glue chip (powder decor) on a knuckle bowl shape
    2, Powder decor on a Caged piece
    3, Marquetry decor on a "bomb" shaped vase
    4, Bambus decor on a gourd shape vase

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    1. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 12 years ago
      jericho! I posted this Knuckle Jardiniere/Bowl (link below) a few weeks ago and the main comment was that it was probably by Franz Welz based on the colors and treatment. Your first bowl is similar in shape but not in treatment. Could we be wrong on our assessment. I love your knuckle bowl and the Bombe Vase with flower! RER(BOB)
    2. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 12 years ago
      Here is the link! BOB
    3. MacArt MacArt, 12 years ago
      Caged Kralik? never knew something like that existed... if You asked me I would tell it's french... great items !!!
    4. jericho jericho, 11 years ago
      bob, your nice knuckle vase is similar in design but this knuckle bowl has a distinct shape (Face shape on the sides) this piece has a ground pontil like kralik. For attribution it is pretty clear because it has shape, texture, size, weight and technique like other Kraliks...all it needs is a signature. so im 85% positive Kralik

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