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A New "Pallme Konig IN BRONZE HOLDER 14"

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dasullywon's loves234 of 856A Lalique France crystal 'Laves-Raisins Ricquewihr' vase, model 10-3476Gold Aureen & Calcite Carder Steuben Compote
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (206 items)

    We just got back from an auction that had alot of Loetz for sale. This being the best they had to offer. Bidding was a little out of hand, but we walked away with this. The vase is a total of 14" in height. I will add new pictures later.

    So not Loetz, Pallme Konig (New Pictures)
    Pallme Konig, Art Nouveau, glass vase iridescent spots and net thread overlay.
    Height: 14"

    Pallme-König glass manufacturer
    In 1786 the glass refinery “Pallme & Ullmann” was founded by Ignaz Pallme-König. The glass works were shown at various international world exhibitions and later exported to Europe, America, Asia and Australia. In around 1900 the company was re-named “Pallme-König”, they produced commercial and luxury glass and then decorated these in a special way with spun glass threads.

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    1. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
    2. LoetzBuddies LoetzBuddies, 11 years ago
      I don't think this piece is Loetz......nice though.
    3. dlfd911 dlfd911, 11 years ago
      Definitely not Loetz, sorry.
    4. famatta127 famatta127, 11 years ago
      My call would be Kralik but not Loetz.
    5. scruples scruples, 11 years ago
      So not Loetz, Pallme Konig (New Pictures)
      Pallme Konig, Art Nouveau, glass vase iridescent spots and net thread overlay.
      Height: 14"

      Pallme-König glass manufacturer
      In 1786 the glass refinery “Pallme & Ullmann” was founded by Ignaz Pallme-König. The glass works were shown at various international world exhibitions and later exported to Europe, America, Asia and Australia. In around 1900 the company was re-named “Pallme-König”, they produced commercial and luxury glass and then decorated these in a special way with spun glass threads.
    6. surfdub66 surfdub66, 10 years ago
      Beautiful ;-)
    7. AtomicDanishMod50 AtomicDanishMod50, 9 years ago
      Fabulous! Just stunning!!!
    8. jericho jericho, 9 years ago
      Pallme Konig- Great piece. is the mwtal to 14" or is the vase alone 14"?

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