Posted 12 years ago
(1 item)
Found this sign in my friends garage. Dont know much info on the history or age but i believe its 1920s from the cursive Tiolene symbols. It's 36 '' x 72" porcelain with a few chips here and there but pretty good shape overall. Any help on history or age would be greatly appreciated.
I'm gonna make a somewhat educated guess at this and say it's at least as new as the early 1930s but most likely from the early to mid 1920s! Tiolene was part of the Pure Oil Co. and had many different sub companies under the PURE umbrella, in the 1920s.
This is getting interesting. I'm more interested in the choice of words. "CRANK CASE SERVICE". I see it as odd wording. Sounds more like the "Limeys". Time to "water-board" your friend who gave it to you for more info..
His father was married to a woman from England, if that is what you mean blunderbuss. I dont know too much more about it.
Thank you for the info Signaholic and Blunderbuss!
That just had the English "ring" to it. Wonder if it was brought over with her? Maybe a sentimental attachment to her family or homeland. Either way, I like the "ring" of it.
Thanks again Blunderbuss!
Hello DerdyByrd; Great sign! One of my previous posts should help date this for you.
Thanks jameyrd :)