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Harrach Enameled Art Nouveau Vase, Prod. Nr. 1766/3, ca. 1900

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (649 items)

    Rounding out the Harrach triple-play this week is a great purple shaded to clear vase in a familiar Harrach shape that is often found as the body of intaglio cut pieces, like the slightly larger Prod. Nr. 1766/2 (25 cm) piece shown in the last photo. Prod. Nr. 1766/3 is 20 cm tall, and the floral and gold enameling done here is in extremely high relief. The rim is gilt. Ground and polished pontil. The remnants of a design number are on the bottom in gold etching ink, but there is not enough of the number left to be able to read it. This form is shown in the Harrach Arvchives (AH 207). Thick walled, shaded pieces like this were also being produced by Moser about the same time, but in my opinion (feel free to debate), the Harrach pieces were more imaginative in terms of both organic shapes (vs. Moser's straight lines and broad facets) and decor (Harrach is more stylized with sweeping art nouveau vines and florals, Moser depictions are more aesthetic, or "neo-Victorian", if you will)

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    1. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 12 years ago
      Warren, very beautiful...thank you for posting!
    2. ozmarty ozmarty, 12 years ago
    3. bohemianglassandmore bohemianglassandmore, 12 years ago
      Thanks, guys
    4. inky inky, 12 years ago
    5. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 8 years ago
      what a beauty with the Leontopodium Alpinum over the dark violet in spanish the flower is called violeta de los alpes
    6. Lichnowsky Lichnowsky, 5 years ago
      Dear sir, let me to point out that the flowers in the upper decoration of the vase are none other than Edelweiss (Leontopodium nivale subsp. alpinum, as Kivatinitz has already noted).

      The very high relief of the enameled flowers probably tries to imitate the volume of the real flowers, whose white parts are woolly white felted.

      By the way, thank you very much for showing your wonderful collection of antique glass and sharing your valuable knowledge of the subject with others.

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