Posted 12 years ago
(167 items)
The ice cream scoop was made by The Gilchrist Co., as can be seen by the "G" on the turn key. The "G" acts as a turn key, turning two paddles on the inside of the scoop to dislodge the ice cream from the scoop. The scoop has the number "8" imprinted on the top of the metal handle.
"Raymond B Gilchrist of Newark NJ, invented & manufactured a variety of dippers, including round, oval, & cone shaped models, some even having electrically heated bowls. Gilchrist promoted his scoops as "better than need be" & even advertised that his dippers cost more than his competitors' products, because he was confident that they were worth the higher price. Many soda fountain owners agreed."
Most likely dates to somewhere between 1902 - 1910.
They are also known as a Witch's hat scoop or a candle snuffer scoop.
So interesting.
Cool, and I mean that both ways, lol. thanks for sharing this unique scoop
I love the old ice cream soda fountain items , they bring back memories all good one's . Great pice ro . Love it
Dang my keys are sticking and missing ready for new PC . Ok starting over on last part . Great Piece Bro !! lol good grief
Thanks for the love & comment DrFluffy, I think it is as well.
Picked it up at a recent auction & wasn't positive thats what it was till I got it home.
Thanks for the love rocker-sd.
Thanks for the love Kerry & yes it is double cool.
If only I could try it out on some ice cream.
Thanks for the love & the comment Sis even though it took you two tries. Did you spill soda on the keyboard:-)
Thanks for the love Phil, that must have been tough not to sample that ice cream.
That reminded me of the sports day our town held every summer, I can remember getting a cone & they would get the ice cream from those large tubs, to me they seemed like they held 10 gallons.
Bro my keyboard it really acting up . I got this laptop used and they had kids that played video games on it .rode it hard and some of the key covers are even gone :-( I will have to proof read 3 times before send I guess and that is hard on my eye's . I remember going to my uncles's Ice cream and Candy store as a kid it was a real once a year treat :-) Gee Phil I would have shared mine with you , that would be hard for a kid to just look at :-( xoxo
Nothing spilled on it . I is just plain wore out the little springs under keys don't activate or they stick . So either they don't type a letter or they make 4 m's or t's instead of one .
Great piece of design.
Love the finial G!
Oh Sis, you know I'm just giving you a hard time, I understood every word you tried to say :-))
I think you need a keyboard transplant.
Add a new laptop to your xmas wish list!
I will do that :-) Bro can you get me a new laptop for Christmas lol
Thanks for the love vetraio, I agree with you 100%. It makes a great conversation piece.
I thought we had a ten dollar limit on xmas gifts :-)
Yes Bro we do so maybe you buy just 5 keys that are the worse one's :-) LOL or just a space bar :-)
Thanks for loving the scoop official.
Thanks for giving this some love Moonstone, gargoyle, Sean, petey & Inky.
Thanks for giving this old scoop some love Ted.
Wana make a trade LoL
Are you thinking that would look good in your ice cream truck! I was afraid you would see it :-)
hmmmmm......... I'll have to look over your collection :-)
Thanks for loving it Aim.
Sorry too late, I've already rubbed an eye on it.
That scoop would look perfect in my ice cream truck :^P so... hopefully you will find something you would like to trade for.
@ Aim did you hurt yourself when you rubbed your eye on it?
As for this said "Ice cream truck" it could all be a ruse to get your hands on this gem :-)
Besides I haven't even had a chance to use it yet!
GREAT scoop. Years ago I used to see these at antique shops-- they were a popular item and brought very good money.
Don't see them much anymore. Thanks for sharing yours!
Sure, sure... deprive all those children of soft ice cream because I don't have this scoop on my truck. PffFffft c'mon, you have to admit... that's some funny stuff =^P and I will email you some photos of my ice cream truck =^)
Thanks for checking in on this scoop Scott, I appreciate your comments!
Sure, sure... Aim it's all funny till someone loses an eye:-0
I'm the one deprived of ice cream!
Besides you don't need it if you're serving soft ice cream:-)
Exactly... That is what's so funny about it =^D
I remember seeing those ones when I was researching this one, I got mine for a lot less then that shop is asking.
I just found one I want to buy =^)
By the time I read this, you bought it & had it posted.
No hesitation,!
Total impulse buy David.. it was on ebay and it was the only one of its kind on there, so I bought without hesitation. Well... if you don't count my internet going in & out on me. I worried that I accidentally paid for it 3 times. O.o LoL
I am so happy I came across your beautiful scoop and it started me into a collection I will have hanging around (pun intended) for years.
I will keep an eye or two out for the one you are looking for.
That's what it was like when a saw this one held up by the auctioneer, wasn't sure if it was an ice cream scoop, but knew that I wanted it.
Awww I am so happy I found a scoop (I fell in-love with) before we made a trade.
I would have felt terrible afterwards finding out how much you liked this one.
I hope you and the Mrs. enjoy it in very good health for many years my friend =^)
You're assuming that I was willing to trade, it may have been tough negotiations
I'm not sure how much that I'll get to use it, I'm on an ice cream 12 step program.
LoL David... you are correct, I was assuming =^) 12-step you're too funny. I hope it stays on display.
Ice cream AKA "crack in a pail" , once a pail of ice cream comes into the house I dig right in, before you know it I'm looking for another hit. Before you know it the pail is empty and I'm wondering how I'm going to get more.
I finally figured out what that G stands for..... Great Guy =D
You're to kind Aim!
Thanks for giving this some Tom.
Thanks for the love on this scoop brat & Don.