Posted 11 years ago
(649 items)
After World War I, production at the Loetz glass works began to take on a retrospective flair, using art nouveau techniques and forms from earlier in their history in new combinations of texture and color.
Here is such an example combining two classic Loetz decors and combining them in a new way. Cobalt glatt, with stripes of silberiris (silver iridescence). It has a fire polished rim, ground and polished pontil, with the acid-stamped Czecho-slovakia oval mark. Height: about 5 inches.
I had one of these years ago with a fake Nash signature. I guess the faker thought it looked like Nash Chintz.
I love this decor in blue. I have never owned one...some day. Very nice Warren
At last we see some evolution about age of those great peaces. Well done Al.
Love this!..:-)