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Gunnar Nylund Vase & Bowl, Strombergshyttan.

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_._STRÖMBERGSHYTTAN26 of 87Gunnar Nylund, Strombergshyttan?Gunnar Nylund Freeform Bowl, Strombergshyttan, 1950s ?
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (6 items)

    Hi, the bowl was the first to be purchased at a street market about five years ago. It had a worn silver and grey Strombergshyttan label that unfortunately washed off. The vase was bought at a glass fair a couple of years later and is signed with 'GN', an 'S' over an 'H' and 'B3H'. It stands 15cm high and is 16cm at its widest point. The colourway is an opaque grey-white decorated with purple-brown threads. They are both stunning and the vase shape especially is reminiscent of Nylund's ceramic work.

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    1. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 11 years ago
    2. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
    3. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      Love this very much:)
    4. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      welcome to cw:)
    5. glassart glassart, 11 years ago
      Thanks Sean68, I am interested in the not so common Gunnar Nylund designs, although 'common' is probably not the right word, ebay and the internet in general have made glass collectables appear more 'common' than they actually are.
    6. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      your very welcome glassart. Your so right about that glassart:) I don't know why they do that for either.
    7. rebessin rebessin, 11 years ago
      Lovely Nylund glass! I'm jealous. But I don't think the vase is signed B3H? Can you take a picture of the bottom? Nylunds vase numbers for serial production begins about B550 - B600. It can also be a number with an A at end. Maybe 83A or something? Then it's from small experiment series or unique pieces.
    8. glassart glassart, 11 years ago
      Hi Rebessin, you are right its not B3H, I used a magnifying glass and discovered it was 33A. I tried taking a photo but the background made it impossible. I think it must be from a small experimental series rather than a unique vase and bowl as I cannot believe that I could buy two unique pieces on two separate occasions in different places. Incidently, there is another vase with the 'A' production number at . Thanks for your help again.
    9. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Woow! You have some seriously beautiful Strömebergshyttan stuff!!! I am sure more great items will come up in time.

      Welcome to CW!!!
    10. glassart glassart, 11 years ago
      Thanks austro.
    11. kisslikeether kisslikeether, 3 years ago
      Not long ago I came across one of the bowls with a fake Vicke Lindstrand signature on and not the first time I have seen this on Strömbergshyttan pieces.

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