Posted 12 years ago
(99 items)
My two finds for the day, Murray Dyna Shift 5 Speed and a Columbia Rallye 10 Speed Muscle Bike, both have the Sissy bars, Banana seats, Ram Horn Handle Bars. look to be all original other than pedals, only thing that I wonder about is the 10 Speed, can't find anything about it, the bike also has a 3 way breaking system.
Haha love it! The banana seats & sissy bars really take me back. Great fun! Looks like they have headrests on the sissy bars. Thanks for posting.
I've always enjoyed them since a kid my self and now I have many of them. Glad you enjoyed :)
WOW! these are super cool!!
I have found a 1968 20" airwing bicycle is there any info on this bike?
Don't think I've heard of a AirWing, Just looked it up and found nothing, maybe post some photos.
Great post ! . I just found a old banana seat in red ,white and blue stars a week ago .Now just need the bike to go under it :-)
That's a Cool Seat Manikin
Mani that seat sounds awesome. I hope you post it.
Danged Hoarders! Keep all the cool stuff for themselves.
OK, you are officially the old bike king of N.W. Oklahoma (with the possible exception of Micha). Where are you keeping all these, house must be full!
Yep Micah has me beat by far and I'm not sure where I'll put them all as i run out of space but see a new building in the near future. :)