Posted 11 years ago
(6 items)
This item was in a $1 flat that I recently purchased at an auction. I have no clue what this item is called or used for. It is one solid piece of stiff metal wire about 4" long with no markings. It has a small fork like opening at one end. Perhaps held as I show it in picture. Thank you for any help given.
I believe it is used to plug tires on a farm. You put the plug into the forked end. You push it into the tire, twist once, and then put your finger into the looped end and pull it out.
Thank you Jono. I can definitely see this being used for that. Thanks for the love SEAN68
Very well could be a plug tool but pretty small diameter wire. If you know any thieves or old locksmiths show it to them and get a second opinion.
Thanks for looking fhrjr2
It is a small item. We do have a local locksmith in town. I will have to stop in and see him. Thanks for the thought.
That does have an end similar to the tire plug BUT, that tool looks way older than tubeless tires.
Cool item!
To me it looks like a version of a tin opener, for cans that require a key. Whereas the one's that come with the tin are made to throw away, this is made to allow the coil to be removed and thrown away. Perhaps for those cans missing the key, this was kept hanging in the pantry?
Tube - That was my first thought, I tried to locate a similar one. The keys that came attached to the cans worked but reusing them meant getting cut getting the winding off. This would have been great. The reason I mentioned the locksmith is I have a friend who is a locksmith and he has an item similar he calls a false key.
I do see a great resemblance to false keys. However, I couldn't find any straight ones such as this. Have you fhrjr2? Thank you all for your input. Great guesses!