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George and Martha

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Bookends187 of 253Vaseline Glass Bookends Cast iron owls
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (1 item)

    I recently picked these up at a yard sale in south carolina for 7 dollars. I love them but know nothing about them as they have no distinguishing marks that I can Identify.

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    1. Zowie Zowie, 11 years ago
      I don't know a lot but they look to be habd made to me. Could they also be made before the black & white drawings were done, it is just the impression I get.
    2. wintersoldier, 11 years ago
      Actually I found a picture of these online in a search at an online auction they were expected to fetch 60-110 dollars. However nothing was said to express any history of the bookends. They are very solid and yes I think they look hand carved as well but I could be wrong. They could be authentic pre-civil war pieces or they could simply be bicentenial pieces. I just wonder if anyone else has ever seen something like this.
    3. Zowie Zowie, 11 years ago
      wintersoldier no I haven't or maybe on the collecters show some time ago thats what made me think they were habd made & were for [people that had the price to pay instead of the black & white drawings. I wish I still had mine from when I was a kid & at Manley for the day. They did thoose pictures on the side walk all the time. Going there was a hoot they had all sorts of things for kids to do before getting to the beach. Have a great day stay safe & be happy.
    4. wintersoldier, 11 years ago
      Thank you, I appreciate you insight. That is possible they could have been a little more upperend Silhouettes Vs the standard 2 dimensional ones. I really hadn't thought of that. Oh well either way it's American history and I feel like I got a great deal on something that makes a great addition to my home office. Hope you have a great day as well Zowie.
    5. Zowie Zowie, 11 years ago
      That's all that matters is the pleasure that they give & if they give your home/office a added addition then that's even better. It really is great to know for sure maybe someone will see & know for sure.

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