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chevy59's loves1942 of 1983VACELINE GLASS I think!A True Antique...1909 Straight Razor... Transitional Razor
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (7 items)

    The metal sign is about 4ft across and 3 ft high I got it a few years back at an antique shop dont know much about it. the first clock was a birthday present from my parents and the second was a present from a friend that as much as I know. the belt I got at a flee market from a guy who was selling his dads coke collection. His dad worked for coca cola and this was his work belt.

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    1. Robert Klieman, 14 years ago
      I have a Coca Cola Clock that I'm trying to get a value on but can't seem to find any information.
      The clock is a Coca Cola can Red in color its standing 18inches and is 10 inches wide. Coca Cola is on it, it runs vertically (sp) on the left hand side. The clock hands are black with no numbers on the face. The clock is plastic and runs on a AAA Battery. It's in good shape, no cracks and runs fine. I'm trying to find an approximate value. Can anyone help.

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