Posted 11 years ago
(79 items)
Commercial Visible typewriter - 1898
This gorgeous machine has a distinct low profile with a narrow 'waist'. It uses a type-wheel that is easy to remove, that allows for a quick change of font. To type, a spring loaded hammer (behind the carriage) swings forward and strikes the paper and ribbon against the type-wheel.
You can see my collection of antique typewriters at
Look at the spread on those keys! What was the thinking behind this design? I have a number 7 Blikensderfer and it also has the spreading of the keys like this.
A good question.
I see the following reasons as to why the keys are so spread apart.
- The type-levers open up like a fan, so the further away from the back end of the typewriter, the further the distance between the keys as they spread open.
- the distance from between the three rows is quite large to ensure that there is room for the fingers to have clear access to the key tops. One has to push the key tops quite a way down when operating.