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Loetz Cytisus Look-A-Like (?) Vase. Still Looking To Identify Maker

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wpj's loves240 of 330"Art" Cameo Glass Vase ... French?  Bohemian?Loetz Oceanik Wellenoptisch Tall Twist Vase 10.75" Tall
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (23 items)

    This vase appears to be a Loetz Cytisus look-a-like. Looking for identity of true maker. H 3 1/2".

    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
    2. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
      Just beautiful!
    3. dasullywon dasullywon, 11 years ago
      Very nice! My first impression is not Loetz, but a modern interpretation of Cytisus. I have never seen this color combination, and the decoration looks different than Loetz in color and technique. The shape however is similar to a Loetz production # (?) and the pontil looks pretty good, so that makes me think again. Maybe Loetz, but probably not. I do like it though.
    4. twentiethc, 11 years ago
      Dasullywon, I was wondering if the heavy ribbon application might be due to its small size; maybe the lack of stretching the glass into a larger vase failed to thin the application as seen on larger pieces. I have not seen any miniatures to compare the ribbons.
    5. dasullywon dasullywon, 11 years ago
      That's possible; that the small size compressed the application. But I noticed that most Cytisus has groups of two lines that form a thin leaf-like design, and most groups of lines have even numbers of lines - with the groups of two staying more together than the rest. This vase does not have this pattern, and there are groups with odd numbers of stripes that don't have the thin-leaf appearance. My only other though is that this might be a New Wave Cytisus? Or an Ausfuhrung?
    6. twentiethc, 11 years ago
      All good thoughts. Vase shows "appropriate" wear on the bottom.

      Btw, approximate height: 3 1/2".
    7. famatta127 famatta127, 11 years ago
      sorry but made yesterday...100% not Loetz
    8. twentiethc, 11 years ago
      Any idea who may have made it if not Loetz?
    9. kairomalte, 11 years ago
      This is not Loetz Cytisus, the Vase is made by a completely different technique. To my opinion it might be a vase made Charles/David Lotton, who often tried to imitated Loetz glass. I know some excellent imitations of Loetz Gre 1/158. These vases come often with a polished pontil, usually Lotton signed the products, but it is very easy to polish out the engraved signature.
    10. dasullywon dasullywon, 11 years ago
      I agree, it may be a Charles Lotton piece - I have seen him use similar color combinations, and the technique is consistent with his work. Of course one of the Lotton family is also a good chance too. Being that would put it around 30 to 40 years old that would account for the wear.
    11. LoetzDance LoetzDance, 11 years ago
      Not Lotton either. This is not a threading or color combination that he uses. Some of Charles Lotton's early works work are reminiscent of Tiffany - Lava and paperwewight decors. Also Loetz PG 166 but many of the studio artists use this pulled feather decor. Charles also did a great Kralik beef heart vase a while back. This piece reminds me more of Saul Alcaraz or one of the Czech studio artists - Mueller, etc.
    12. twentiethc, 11 years ago
      I very much appreciate all the input. It seems there is a fair consensus that this is a Loetz Cytisus look-a-like. The question now seems to be, which more recent artist created it? Still looking for that answer.

      Thanks as always to all who have contributed to the theories to-date.
    13. kairomalte, 11 years ago
      I would skip Muller or Stephanek as candidates, as these Czech studio artists didn' use such thick glass overlayed as shown in this example.

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