Posted 11 years ago
(649 items)
What do I know about this piece? Only what I can see... that it is about 6" tall, white opal iridescent, wheel carved and painted decoration, and it has ormolu mounts very similar to the kind found on some Loetz Marmoriertes pieces. The bottom has an engraved number 16 as the only marking. There is a number on the metal fitting, but experience tells me that this is specific to that size and style of metal fitting, and doesn't necessarily have anything to do with identifying the glass. Assuming this is from the same time frame as the similar styled pieces from Loetz, this would put it in the 1880s-1890s time frame. I was toying with the idea that it may be an early Loetz piece, but the shape is not in any line drawing that I can find just yet. It has characteristics that are similar to Loetz glatt, but unless someone out there knows otherwise, I'm filing this under unknown Bohemian glass house for now.
I love the shape and style. Stunning!!!!