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Continental Art Co 1969 Cherub Plaster End/Side Table

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (12 items)

    I love this! I can't find any other tables made by this company, just lamps. It's so heavy. I think it's plaster? The top screws off maybe because it's so heavy and it's easier to move around as a two piece.
    Anyone every seen a table by this company or anything like this?

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    1. jlopez86 jlopez86, 11 years ago
      I got one just like it and yes its so heavy!!
    2. puggiepur, 11 years ago
      I have one just like it with a matching lamp at American Classics Marketplace in Colorado Springs.
    3. bladerunner22 bladerunner22, 9 years ago
      Used to see a lot of similar tables when I went to garage sales in the 1990's here in Canada also. There were entire export businesses that were set up to sell these kind of wares in the states and canada during the mid 1960's to 1970's. Have seen some import bills which show the scale of it which was impressive during those years. The quality highly differed as there were good pieces and an equal amount of bad pieces. The Continental Art company started up in the early 1950's, making plaster chalkware lamps. They were from the U.S., although they had lots of competition from other companies from the States Canada, and mainly Italy by the time the tables came along. Their main influence was the Reglor lamp.

      Bernie Stein and Rena Stein began Regor of California in 1947. Reglor is the combination of the names Rena and her cousin Gloria. Credit for the design inspirations is to be shared with Oscar Vega, a production assistant. Reglor lamps were frequently produced as a male and female pair. The distinctive shades of Reglor lamps were also made in house. Production stopped in 1975 when the Reglor factory in Montebello, California burned. The Reglor company sued several of their imitators when identical piecea started being made by other companies with some success and a lot of failure to keep their designs to themselves.

      Italy began importing so many of these cherub tables into N.A. and even here in Canada I used to buy them just for the quality marble tops. Italy made some real bad tables but good ones also, and like I mentioned a thriving export industry resulted starting in the 1960's mainly.

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