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Two styles of wire lugs Mickey Mouse wristwatches

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Mickey Mouse Watches134 of 283Made in Japan number additionMICKEY MOUSE WRISTWATCH
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (154 items)

    After the first introduction of Mickey Mouse wristwatch at the 1933 Chicago Exposition, by late 33/early 34, the watch dial has received an update. The number 5 and the number 7 were reduced in size and an arrow pointer was added to the seconds disc. The rest of the timepiece has remain unchanged.

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    1. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      To Dave, official, DrFluffy, gargoyle & Phil, with my grateful thanks!
    2. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      Thank you pops, Mani & Mickey for loving the post! Much appreciated!
    3. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      Thank you Kerry! Much appreciated!
    4. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      Thanks very much Sean ! :-)
    5. aycockonxion aycockonxion, 11 years ago
      I'm surprised Kerry didn't beg to get his hands on these!

      Maybe he already has some just like them.. LOL
    6. kerry10456 kerry10456, 11 years ago
      Hello Jason, LOL, I never beg, well maybe grovel a touch, but I do have these too, the first 2 in this box:
    7. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      To ozmarty, Jason & Designerwith my grateful thanks!
    8. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      Thanks for visiting & loving the post AntigueToys! Much appreciated!
    9. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      Thank you crswerner for visiting & loving the post! very much appreciated!
    10. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      To sanhardin, shughs, sugargirl & inky with my grateful thanks!
    11. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      Thank you ttomtucker & tom61375 for visiting & loving the post! Much obliged!
    12. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      Thank you snoppy for loving the posting, big cheers!
    13. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      Thanks Roy for the appreciation!
    14. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      Thank you ZZ and Moonstone for hitting the love tab, big cheers!
    15. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      Thank you AAA & Aimathena for stopping by & loving the post! Big cheers!
    16. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      Thank you Vermont for visiting & loving the post! Big cheers!
    17. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      Thanks steller for visiting and loving the post! Much appreciated!
    18. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      Thanks vanskyock24 for visiting and loving this post! Much appreciated!
    19. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      Thank you petey! Very much appreciated!
    20. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      Thank you moonstone for visiting and hitting the love tab, very much appreciated!
    21. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      Thanks Frankiefig, Windwalker & fortapache for stopping by and hitting the love tab. Much appreciated!
    22. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      Thank you shanmu for the appreciation!
    23. Sheriff Sheriff, 11 years ago
      Beautiful masterpieces
    24. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      Thank you Sheriff & aycockonxion! :-)
    25. Sheriff Sheriff, 11 years ago
      What mean (aycockonxion) ? It's a new word to me !
    26. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      LOL, no idea Sheriff! You need to ask Jason yourself!
    27. aycockonxion aycockonxion, 11 years ago
      Lol! It means nothing to anyone by me and my family.
    28. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      Sheriff and Jason, if you like pre 50s Mickey Mouse watches, I have posted a few more here :
    29. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      Thank you Sheriff for revisiting! Big cheers! :-)
    30. Kingpin61 Kingpin61, 7 years ago
      Question: would you say the 2nd edition late 1933/early '34 World's Fair Mickey Mouse watch came with a "low dome" crystal or a standard dome crystal?

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