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Recent Activity27 of 64Pinball on a WallApollo 13 Pinball Machine
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    My husband just got this pinball machine from a "dump run" job and we don't know anything about it. Can anyone help?


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    1. Dizzydave Dizzydave, 14 years ago
    2. kpray, 14 years ago
      Dizzydave-thank you very much! What fun to discover so much information about something that was completely foreign to me until you connected me! I hope this is the best way to reply to you-I'm very new to this kind of communication. Is it okay to ask you what you think I should do with this game? We don't have any place to put it where it would be played, so if we keep it, it will just sit in storage and that seems a waste.
      Thanks again,
    3. Dizzydave Dizzydave, 14 years ago
      eBay is the best way to sell this game. Dave
    4. tfaulk13, 14 years ago
      A friend had one in the 70's. It said "Pachinko Palace" among the graphics. We had a blast playing it for hours each day. I guess it was an early version of a "video game"... LOL. I believe you flipped a spring loaded lever which sent a steel ball going in a circular motion until it dropped into the play area falling down amongst some pegs. If you made it in a open port you would receive more of the steel balls as a reward. The original steel balls has oriental writing and graphics engraved on them. I'm pretty sure it had an electric cord and had flashing lights and played sounds.

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