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Robeert Abels Antique Firearms catalog

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Catalogs64 of 1401954 - Dremel Mfg. Co. Moto-Tool Catalog1950 - Nicholson File Company Booklet
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (66 items)

    Another of my books I have collected over the years. Notice this is a Robert Abels weapons catalog from the very early 1950's. I've kept this mainly because I enjoy comparing the prices, now and then. For instance, on the left page of the hand guns, at the bottom, are two revolvers. The picture is a little blurry but I believe you can read the prices quoted. This firearm, even though the catalog states they have none in stock, goes for $35.00 to $85.00. I realize it's 60 years later but this gun may sell now for $2,000 to $7,000. Ah the good old days.

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    1. Jono Jono, 11 years ago
      Mrmajestic1, check out the one I posted from 1933
    2. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      Yo, your right! I still have some old publications for the same reason but you also have to remember that the $ 50 yrs ago was worth 10 times+ what it is today because of devaluation of the currency ( the gov't likes to call it inflation as it doesn't sound so bad). With this in mind, many, if not most, antique guns sell for less than those days. The French muse'e here wanted to have soldiers dressed in original garb for the late 1700's - early 1800's & asked me about reproduction guns. I showed them where they can buy good quality originals much cheaper than repro's. The irony of life.
    3. mrmajestic1 mrmajestic1, 11 years ago
      Thank you everyone for all your loves: aghcollect, SEAN68, pw-collector, Manikin, Jono, blunderbuss2, kerry10456, pops52, tom61375, and geo26e. That's a great pamphlet you have Jono. I really enjoy these type of things. Very nostalgic. And speaking of nostalgia, blunderbuss2; yes sadly one can't buy a nickle or dime anything anymore, because it's all been raised to $1.50 or $5.00. I've seen those repros and some are high quality indeed. I my self own a pepperbox and was surprised when I first learned that a commercial reproduction company (as compared to a movie company) supplied all the firearms for Daniel Day Lewis' "Last of the Mohicans" a few years ago.
    4. mrmajestic1 mrmajestic1, 11 years ago
      Oh, something I just found: these catalogs, like mine, are still available on Amazon.
    5. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Merry Christmas and Happy New Year mrmaj ! I have so enjoyed these years with you on CW . Have a blessed new year ! Happy Holdidays andyou have been a good friend :-)
    6. mrmajestic1 mrmajestic1, 11 years ago
      And the same for you Manikin and everyone on CW!
    7. cannoncollector cannoncollector, 11 years ago
      Very you ever see any good antique signal cannons in the Abels catalogs?
    8. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      Hello buddy and how have you been?

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