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Kralik Deep Red Vase with Molded Veining

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (256 items)

    I fell in love with the dark color and the beautiful patterning of this little red vase. It is 4" tall and about 3 1/2" wide. When I first saw pictures of the vase, I thought it was an all-over deep red. But, when held to the light, it is actually lighter at the bottom, and has the pale green spots on the bottom and the darker red coloring towards the rim of Rindskopf's Pepita decor.

    However, this molded veining pattern has more recently been shown to be associated with Kralik's production rather than Rindskopf, and since they also produced a Pepita-like decor, I now believe this vase to have actually been produced by Kralik.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. inky inky, 11 years ago
      Beautiful Michelleb007...just love the colour!...:-)
    2. inky inky, 11 years ago
      Yep!..totally agree..they do come in waves..I seem to be going through a Harrach wave at the moment..really!!! looking forward that Loetz!... I really do like this vase the colour is just amazing and the decor reminds me of of those dot to dot drawings and of course its a Rindskopf my favourite!...:-)
    3. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 11 years ago
      inky, I am looking forward to seeing your Harrach! Thanks so much for your compliment on this vase. Based on a discussion I had with someone who really knows Rindskopf (far better than me!) this could possibly be another maker trying to imitate the look of Rindskopf's Pepita. But either way, the deep colors are my favorites. I still can't get over your beautiful blue Kralik - just gorgeous!

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