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105.2...and I keep digging and digging

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Character Wristwatches228 of 288Girls can fix stuff too just ask NiperAmazement and mistery #105 thanks Gramma
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (5 items)

    Watch overload I think post.. this goes with Mighty mouse an flinstones run... Thanks Much for enlightening me on Merrie Mouse.. I will do some cartoon watching I am still the I am staying with Miss Merrie Mouse is Mighty Mouses girlfriend..that as how he got so Mighty....With a bit of Kerry' guidance here..I wont announce it to the world till I get some visual proof.... If any Mighty Mouse fans are your toons &..please leave your vote{
    .1} Is Merrie Mouse..= Mighty Mouse's Girlfriend ..or
    .2} Is Merrie Mouse..?Mickey's Girlfriend...
    3}. Is. Merrie Mouse her own Mouse and needs neither!
    I found humor.. hope you did as well!.. . the others bunched post= most are pretty for the Norm..Except! For The one I cannot find is the Blue astrological watch..... I have three.. in different Zodiac signs..any ideas...
    AND while I am here I wish to share post my grand finally 'as This is what gramma did for 65+ years and I realized there is a few out there who would like to a gimps of my 'babey'
    This is the Original Philco 1953 dealer media advertising Banner
    " Philco '' This I kno about!! my grandparents ran radio & tv shop in So.California just before and as Television came to life..and in turn it gave gramma the ability to buy all these watches as stash them away.
    NOS/NIB ><Philco For 1953><media banner may be thee' only one or one of the last remaining in original box.. and absolutely pristine.... This is 12 feet LONG x 15 inches HIGH... WOW..
    discovered here .. it spent 6 months in the bathroom of all placs as to obtain just lil moisture to it... as it was very dry and worked unwrapped this last week! AND. not all only as far as pic'd.. then back in her box she went. get it framed..uuhh nope.. for now it stays in its box..and with great help of folks ..philcoradio forum.. who had seen lots and lots of Philco but not this PHILCO"" as all along the bottom there are hundred of fans 1953 era waving there hands jubeulently with excitement..and joy!

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    1. wrlaboratories, 11 years ago
      thank you I hope you post ..A few rarities..comments always needed
    2. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 11 years ago
    3. kerry10456 kerry10456, 11 years ago
      The blue watches you mentioned are just as you said, just that, a zodiac novelty watch, dates from the 1970's into the 80's. The Dale and Roy are the oldest pieces in this picture.mid to late 1950's. The others are 70's-80's.
      I will argue, LOL, on the Merrie Mouse, she is not from any Mighty Mouse cartoon., I've every seen, and I watch cartoons on a regular basis, but if you find her befriending Mighty, send me a copy.
    4. kerry10456 kerry10456, 11 years ago
      Just a little side note:
      The Mighty Mouse characters have a smaller rounded nose in their graphics, the Disney Mouse characters have the styling of the Merrie, more protuding and pointed. Just an observation in drawing styles

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