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DET LEVENDE GLASS wine glass and vase, Per Lütken (Holmegaard, 1985)

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..._DANISH DESIGN42 of 122CASCADE set, Per Lütken (Holmegaard, 1970)NAJADE, Per Lütken (Holmegaard, 1976)
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (584 items)

    These two great items belong to the series called THE LIVING GLASS by Per Lütken. He had already used organic shapes for his glass in the 1950s, and from around 1970 he had worked a lot in “organic glass” with series such as Lerform, Lava, Cascade, Najade, Vintergaek and a myriad of unika items. In 1985 he developed the DET LEVENDE GLAS range, consisting mostly of big sized stemware and vases, first in clear glass and later in unika editions with coloured stems. These glasses and vases have wide bases with excentrical drop shaped stems in massive glass and delicate tulips that end up in a slghtly wider rim.
    What I’ve got is a wine glass (green, 18’7 cm. tall, signed with production number 3425) and a vase (yellow, 30’5 cm. tall, signed 3426) which are amongst the last designs appearing at Per Lütken’s Black Book of special, exhibition or unika items. Only five more production numbers (from 3427 to 3431) appear in this book. As we can see in this items’ entrances in the book, these items were handblown by ¿JB Fron? and Ejner Olsson in November 1985 and were made in a range of colours: blue, yellow, green, red and violet.
    In spite of this being one of the last entrances at the notebook, Per Lütken went on working for Holmegaard until 10 years later. At least 16 more series were designed by him, and between 1994 and 1996 a new series of DET LEVENDE GLAS was made, in this case a whole range of vases, the tallest of which stands up to 68 cm tall.

    Oooops, I almost forget! They were part of Carlos’s Christmas presents for me last year!!!

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    1. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      Beautiful:)! Love these:)!
    2. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Thanks Sean!!! They are some of the very few glass items from my collection i've got at carlos's, so i am lucky to see them every day :)
    3. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      I am sure you mean the yellow one, valentino ;)

      Thanks DrFluffy, valentino, czechman, moonstone and geo for loving these beauties!
    4. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
      Thanks for sharing them, austro. Totally new to me. Wow!
    5. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Thanks Vet! I have to say when i saw these for the first time I had to check my Lütken book to see if it they actually were Lütken designs!
    6. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Thanks Inky!
    7. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 10 years ago
      I just knew these were yours when I saw them!!! Clicked to check myself, and yep! I was right...very nice austro!
    8. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      Thanks SHARE!!! Of course, being by Lütken!!! I guess the pics are pretty much my style too.
    9. Brittn10, 7 years ago
      I know this is a very old post but I was pretty excited to see this glass as I was scrolling through Holmegård glasses. When I was about 16 my dad took a meeting at Holmegård with Per Lütken. I have no idea what it was about. But after their talk Per invited me to take one of the glasses he had in a pile in the corner. It was from this collection that he was working on. I haven't come across another example of the one I had (mine is clear) and I forgot what he had told me the series was called. (I was thinking it was called Glass in Motion- but that might have been my English translation) Not sure if you will see this.. 4 years after you posted.. but thank you for the information!
    10. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 7 years ago
      Hi Brittn10. I'm glad you found my post useful :)

      As for me I am so excited you met Per Lütken in person!

      I guess you still have the vase, haven't you? Is it signed? Could you please write a post here at CW -as you already have an account- about it? My guess is that as it was at his studio it must be a work sample taken to him for approval or perhaps one of the very first items to be made in that shape... really exciting in any case!!!
    11. Brittn10, 7 years ago
      It is funny because at the time I didn't really know who he was - well I was just a teen. I do still have the glass and the note he wrote that allowed us to bring it out of the glassworks :) It was indeed a prototype sample. He told me it was something he was working on. I will post some pics and write about it shortly. I am new to this forum (I only signed up to respond to your post). :)

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