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Portable Radio - My Lady Anne CN430 - 1955 or later - Vidor Ltd.

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (12 items)

    Purchased today for £10.
    Portable Radio - My Lady Anne CN430 - 1955 or later - Vidor Ltd.
    Five position rotary switch to select mode of operation.

    1. Long Wave (Battery).
    2. Medium Wave (Battery).
    3. OFF
    4. Medium Wave (Mains).
    5. Long Wave (Mains).

    Valves inside DK96, DF96, DAF96, DL96.

    Antenna in the lid.

    Batteries not included with this secondhand purchase.
    I can build a suitable power pack, or operate it from the mains.

    I did a 'don't try this at home' with a temporary mains hookup.
    The radio works and receives strong and local medium wave stations, including a 60's pop station ... so very nostalgic.
    Weaker medium wave stations are receivable too, that is if you can tolerate some radio interference ... which I can.
    Long wave isn't very good on this set, probably due to a lack of good strong signals on long wave.
    There is quite a bit of information on the web about this model, including circuits, photographs and even a battery pack project (the original batteries are no longer available).
    It's fun when you buy an old radio and it works ... pulling in enjoyable tunes ... 'out of thin air'.
    Even the night-time atmospherics fading in and out on weaker - distant stations brings back memories. I am pleased I bought it ... I will obtain or construct a proper mains lead.

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    1. kjdixo kjdixo, 11 years ago
      Thank you aghcollect.
    2. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 11 years ago
      Antenna in the lid. ahead of its time it

    3. kjdixo kjdixo, 11 years ago
      Thanks SEAN68 and Roycroftbooksfromme1.
    4. kjdixo kjdixo, 11 years ago
      Thanks Peterdrury.
    5. kjdixo kjdixo, 11 years ago
      Thanks DrFluffy, Manikin and officialfuel.
    6. kjdixo kjdixo, 11 years ago
      Thanks EJW-54
    7. kjdixo kjdixo, 11 years ago
      Thanks Dan121156.
    8. kjdixo kjdixo, 10 years ago
      Thanks Loudmusic
    9. daveinchard, 10 years ago
      I bought mine about a year ago. It has had all capacitors replaced and is safe for use. At the moment I use a pantry transmitter on MW which I connect to the internet. Brilliant clear reception on MW , LW not quite as good. I absolutely love this radio which is in beautiful condition for a 60 year old.

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