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    Posted 11 years ago

    (178 items)

    The Ruger 10/22 is a semi-automatic rimfire rifle chambered in .22 Long Rifle. It has a removable 10-round rotary magazine which allows the magazine to fit flush with the bottom of the stock. Higher capacity magazines are also available. A magnum version, chambered for the .22 WMR cartridge, was made from 1998 to 2007, and a .17 HMR version, the 10/17 was announced in 2004, but was only listed in the catalog for two years.The standard version has been in production since 1964.


    1. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      Never had a 10/22 but heard so many good things about them that I always wanted one. If you can't read the envy between the lines, you need better glasses! Do they really never jam?
    2. Jono Jono, 11 years ago
      The Ruger has never jammed and I have put thousands of rounds though it. Check out these fun accessories.

      I also have a Marlin model 88. It's a good one also.
    3. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      ^ mil made!! I've had friends ask about them here but never had one myself. Like the bit about the silencer/suppressor. The French have no law against them & you can buy them over the counter. Quality isn't up to par but at least we don't face a 10 yr. prison sentence + whatever fine for having one. Not even a law against carrying concealed guns as long as they not over a certain capacity & non-mil calibers & without a license. So much for the "Land of the free". .380 is ok but no 9m/m. .44 mag is ok but no .45acp.. .357 is acceptable or .38, but no mil. calibers. Now, are the French more realistic or antiquated? Of course there are laws but have noticed that Americans think they are the only country that allows their citizens to have guns! Strange that, or their press?
    4. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 11 years ago
      I also had one of these and loved it. I used it for squirrel hunting and jacking deer at night. I think my oldest son still has it. My youngest son's girlfriend works at the Ruger plant up in New Hampshire. These were great for teaching kids because they were a short weapon they could handle. My boys started by carrying a BB rifle and graduated to this after they passed hunter safety class. Brings back some fun memories of taking them target shooting.
    5. Hoot60, 4 years ago
      One of my favorites :)

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