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bernd diefenbach's "drumbo" piggybank

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Still Banks260 of 405blacksmith made bank folk art1950'S Coca-Cola Dispenser Bank
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (676 items)

    these has been a gift for children when they've opened a savings book from 1972 onwards...
    it's a design by by bernd diefenbach and has been made for several banks over the time
    some of them are rare
    the form has been made by hoechst in porcelain in different decors as well
    and i've seen it in sterling silver which is realy rare to find because they have never been produced to be sold to bank customers
    just as a jubilee gift for bank employees after 25years

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    1. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      beautiful design!!!
    2. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      love the shape and color ! cool post :-)
    3. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 11 years ago
      Full of tenderness , I love it!
    4. Hunter Hunter, 10 years ago
      Just came across this post that clarifies about the history of this bank (it was actually designed by Bernd Diefenbach in 1972 for Dresdner Bank in Germany):!ELEPHANT-MONEY-BOX/cmbz/F551A8B3-234C-4425-81BF-2F826F84DEDE
    5. getthatmonkeyoutofme getthatmonkeyoutofme, 10 years ago
      Thanks a lot... everybody thinks these are designed by colani
    6. Hunter Hunter, 10 years ago
      I know it's crazy! love them regardless :)
    7. getthatmonkeyoutofme getthatmonkeyoutofme, 10 years ago
      It has been the best colani design....
    8. surfdub66 surfdub66, 10 years ago
      I love these !! Nice colours too :-)

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