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Glasfabrik Schliersee Vase, ca. 1901 (Part 1)

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Bohemian Art Glass5414 of 6681Glasfabrik Schliersee Glass Vase, ca. 1901, Part 2Brilliant red Czech set
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (649 items)

    I've got to hand it to the seller of this vase - sending a 12.5" vase from Germany has to be handled with care, and the size of the box this vase came in was so inordinately big, I thought I was getting a backyard swing set from someone in Germany. The box was so large that it wouldn't fit into the trunk of my car! But, the vase arrived safely, and that is the important thing!

    This vase was made in the small ten year window in which this amazing glass house operated. It has a yellow interior layer, surrounded by red and clear glass, which is highly UV reactive. The decoration, done in decorator's etching ink, is of "Passiflora" - Passion flowers or vines. This was part of the line marketed as "Aspasia double-walled glass". It is marked "292/I" on the base, which corresponds to a line drawing published in Gläserner Jugendstil Aus Bayern (Art Nouveau Glass in Bavaria), by Christiane Sellner. (see last photo for scan). I am fortunate to now have three pieces from this maker, which are "among the rarest Art Deco and crystal glasses"*

    *Source: Glass Museum Passau European Glassware 1650 - 1950 - Guide to the Museum, by Georg Höltl.

    Part 2 will include additional photos, and a group photo of my small Schliersee collection.

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    1. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago

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