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Kralik Iridescent Veined Vases

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Bohemian Art Glass5640 of 6907zelezny brodanother kralik
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (256 items)

    I have had the first Kralik vase (iridescent clear with white veining) for many years, and just recently added a similar Kralik green vase to my collection. The green vase is interesting because it has both white and blue veining used together (it measures 4.75" tall x 3" wide with a cut and polished rim). The first clear vase is shown in Truitt's 'Collectible Bohemian Glass, 1880-1940' as being made by Pallme-König, but it has been re-attributed more recently as Kralik. When I bought it, the seller thought the vase had been drizzled in white paint! :) It is a favorite of mine because the glass has an almost golden color to it at the top, which gives it a very rich look. It is over 5.5" wide, and has a fire-polished rim.

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    1. inky inky, 11 years ago
      Lovely Michelleb007...they are beautiful and I know exactly what you mean about the clear one.. I have one of each too! though in different shapes.. my green one.. the threading is just the one colour not the two like yours...:-)
    2. fishiowa fishiowa, 11 years ago
      Beautiful. I had to go check my green vase to see if it had the light threading as well, but alas, no. But now I will pay extra attention when I see examples out there. Thanks for posting.
    3. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 11 years ago
      Thanks, inky & fishiowa!
    4. scottvez scottvez, 11 years ago
      Love them!

    5. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 11 years ago
      Thanks Scott!

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