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Neighbor's Summer Homes

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (5053 items)

    Here's more pics of my neighbor's summer homes. there are 5-6 more homes on the estate but three of these are the main house. the other one is my favorite though.


    1. Hunter Hunter, 11 years ago
      where is this? and why are they all boarded up? Would love to peek inside those houses!
    2. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 11 years ago
      hi hunter. this is where i grew up in northern new england. i don't want to be specific, because the place is not ours. it belongs to our neighbors who have owned the land since 1805. all of the homes on the estate are summer homes which is why they are boarded up.
    3. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 11 years ago
      Why not just ask your neighbor? You have pictures of his house ask where it is.
    4. Hunter Hunter, 11 years ago
      that makes sense - I remembered that you're in the bay area (as am I), which is why I was curious if this was in California. So they board them up for the 9 months of winter and then unboard them for summertime? Wow. Habits of the rich ;)
    5. userh6478, 11 years ago
      OMG, I so want these houses..It looks like a good place to film for movies or tv shows..
    6. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 11 years ago
      i live in the bay area, but i grew up in northern new england. i don't want to tell my neighbors anything. there are a lot of them, and some are paranoid about publicity of any sort. plus, this place has been robbed many times. i remember when i was young, they were robbed of 5 rugs, worth 1.2 million dollars - back in the 70s. people from hollywood have tried to purchase or rent this property before and they never even got callbacks.
    7. userh6478, 11 years ago
      I don't mean to be rude, but its this publicity? I don't think they would be too happy if they see that you took pictures of their homes and put it on the internet..
    8. Hunter Hunter, 11 years ago
      understandable :) the boarding up part is fascinating to me though, being a person who only lives in one house. Is there not a caretaker during the winter? or even a gardener/landscaping person?
    9. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 11 years ago
      yes, userh6478. you are probably right - but that's why i don't want to discuss the location. there are caretakers who live on sight and they are friends w/ my family. i was w/ them and one member of the family who lives in another house on the property year-round when i took the pictures.
    10. Hunter Hunter, 11 years ago
      cool, thanks for sharing!

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