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Czech- Marbled red pieces

In Art Glass > Bohemian Art Glass > Show & Tell.
Bohemian Art Glass5613 of 6907Art Nouveau Kralik Blue On Gold Vase Kralik Webbed Decor
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (236 items)

    Here is a variation I believe are from the same maker as the blue marbled pieces: notice the very "liquid" application style, the dispensation between layers, the intensity of the tango base and lastly the colors used in the marbling. Strange: no zig-zags? but the same make can be seen on at least two of them

    p.s......dont you love it when the listing says "60's art glass" rather than "1930's Czech art glass"?

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    1. scottvez scottvez, 11 years ago
      GREAT decor!

      "dont you love it when the listing says "60's art glass" rather than "1930's Czech art glass"?"

      YES-- 60s art glass is MUCH Cheaper!

    2. inky inky, 11 years ago
      Hi jericho....thank you for your support over the last year ..... Merry Christmas and a great New Year!...:-)
    3. charcoal charcoal, 11 years ago
      Here's that 1st shape twice and in different decors:
    4. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 11 years ago
      well wb i think czechman is classy from the politeness and manners he shows on here. Some ppl could do well to remember why we are here. Enjoyment, research, opinion...but more importantly, personal attacking and name calling is for the gen ys on fb...
      It seems to me from my short time here that one-up-man-ship is used by the minority. And that opinions are rail roaded by some because they shout the loudest.
      Be nice! I'm in no business to make enemies on this site but have sat back and watched adults being smart because they find it humourous and amusing..well its not IMHO and we could do well to treat fellow posters with respect.
    5. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 11 years ago
      a beautiful selection Jericho...magnificent and I indeed am envious!
    6. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 11 years ago
      Anne, agreed...this has taken a step back to what is real...the love of collecting. And the truth about glass..and real researching is most important. Thanks for observing...
    7. jericho jericho, 11 years ago
      thank you for the loves, im not sure i want to wade in these waters about loving and reloving pieces because as a society we tend to get addicted to confirmation, approval and validation... with that said 30 loves does not make a post better than a post with 3 loves, learn a lot from post i forget or refuse to love...(I also forget to write thank you cards). I think collectors have made an impact- from Vienna to South America. we are contributing tons (you will soon see much more) to the knowledge of Bohemian glass arts! Why would we take a back seat to PHD researchers who many times cant afford pieces to hold in their hands (sometimes essential in attribution), also why are auction companies, curators, mega rich collectors any better than middle class "buy what we like" collectors? It's when we stop talking or arguing that we sink down into ignorance.
    8. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 11 years ago
      AnneLanders, I agree with WB, that this has been going on for a while..and the bullying towards others has been an issue, if you are from a different opinion than there's. And the lack of documentation to back up there comments..that are valid. Is seriously anyone who understands.
    9. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 11 years ago
      Hi Jerico. Lovely vase. Isn't it satisfying to see something mis identified when you know what it is, well spotted. I'm not sure I'd have spotted it, but it doesn't look '60s to me & I'm a novice! As for this 'loves' business, i thought you could only 'love' once, unless whats meant here is deleting your love then loving it again!? I only found out last night, after being a member for 6months that you can 'love' your own stuff!! i went down my posts loving all my favorite bits:)
    10. jericho jericho, 11 years ago
      Thank you very much guys!! if anyone has a piece and they want my opinion just email me and i will give advice or refer you to a mentor of mine...

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