Posted 14 years ago
(320 items)
When mothers and fathers, wives, sweethearts saw their loved ones go off to war, one of the most popular and visible ways to display their love and patriotism was to wear a "service star". Some of the pins have the loved ones branch of service. One star stood for one person in the service,
I have seen as many as six stars on one pin.
I have looked for the gold star sweetheart pin and have not run across one yet. I think those are being kept by the families.
I didn't realize what the gold star meant. I will have to keep an eye open for them. I have one pin with 2 stars, and I recently saw a silk window single star flag, although it wasn't for sale. Thanks for posting!
You may want to check out ebay...They have a few every now and then. Usually the Gold star is raised over the blue star . However if the Son In Service pin is 12 or 14 k gold it's usually not raised but flush with the emanel. And those pins are much nicer in appearence then the sterling.