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Gas, Oil, and Service Signs1094 of 1674Spiveys Corner, NC  Christmas 2010 but a good one!!Bp,things used in Sweden,from early 20:s to 1958.
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (3 items)

    The gas pumps is made in Sweden,1952 and 1956.The yellow signs with the sunset is Bp:s first logotype in Sweden.Around 1925.The big one is 150cm.

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    1. EJW-54 EJW-54, 11 years ago
      WOW! how long have you been collecting? I really love that BP lighted sign on the pole with 2 lights, love it all!
    2. DrFluffy DrFluffy, 11 years ago
      This is fantastic...
    3. visco-static, 11 years ago
      It started in 1992.The Norwegian oil Company,Statoil,bought all the Bp stations in Sweden,and slowly killed them.I was grown upp 20 meters beside an Bp station from 1957.I want to have something from Bp beside my vintage car in the garage.A gas pump was bought.Then i found an oil can and a sign at a swap meet.The rest is history..........In the beginning it was very easy to find things.Not anymore.There are hundreds of petroliana- collectors i Sweden,Norway and Denmark!
    4. IwishIwasAroundthen, 11 years ago
      Hi there , firstly this is a very impressive collection and kept very well ! I came across your pictures via a google search. I am currently restoring a forecourt gear oil dispenser/pump which I was hoping to see in your pictures {and did} I am wondering if you could post or email me more pictures of yours ? My dispenser is free from all its colour and design which is making it very hard to restore accurately . I would be very grateful if you could help me with more info on the logos/type of oil /year of the pump. My father worked all his days in BP Grangemouth Refinery which is a short distance from me and I am restoring it as BP has memories for me also. Many thanks , Mark
    5. mcheconi mcheconi, 11 years ago
      Nicely displayed, impressive collection. Congratulations.
    6. petromobiliacollector, 11 years ago
      Hi there,


      Maybe the one or other can for sale?

      Let me know

      Best Regards

    7. petromobiliacollector, 11 years ago
      Hi there,


      Maybe the one or other can for sale?

      Let me know

      Best Regards


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