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Romantic postcards for Valentine's Day

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Valentines Day Postcards19 of 19113 Year Old Valentine Postcard, I'm Wearing My Heart Away For You...Happy Valentines Day Happy valentines and Mardi Gras 1907
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (41 items)

    Back a couple years ago, I was in looooove. I'm talking head-over-heels, hit over the head, lovehearts spinning around me. That must've been addling my brain when I went to Hal Lutsky's Vintage Paper Fair in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park that year and stumbled upon a bunch of vintage romantic postcards. (In my defense, they were cheap!) Of course, I gave him the best ones. For Valentine's Day. Because I was feeling cheesy like that.

    But I still have half a dozen, and even though that romance is no more, I still love these cards. The best ones are the postcards that were written on and sent. They have old stamps (1 cent!) and postmarks (1911!). Some don't even have street addresses, just the name, town, and state. Apparently, at the time, everyone knew how to write in formal, cursive script. And even still, some of their messages are inscrutable, and in pencil.

    Given the passionate nature of the images, the messages are often hilariously formal. (And of course, they would be. These are postcards. The mailman can read them!) "Received your card this a.m. Went to the Chautauqua again last night. I am certainly getting good use of my ticket. Grace" She sent this to Ralph in Indiana at 7 p.m. July 8, 1911. On the front of her postcard, a gentleman clings to a lady in a slightly exaggerated comic image, like a still from a silent film, and the wording says, "Don't Go Yet. --"

    I'm just young enough to miss getting letters. Apparently, so is Arcade Fire's Win Butler:

    It seems strange
    How we used to wait for letters to arrive
    But what's stranger still
    Is how something so small can keep you alive

    Happy Valentine's Day, ya'll!

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    1. packrat-place packrat-place, 13 years ago
      Very nice cards, I love them!!
      I am with you on that PhilDavidAlexanderMorris.
    2. Mansker52 Mansker52, 13 years ago
      Like these old cards. If you want to see more come to From The Past on facebook at;!/pages/From-the-Past/172982232803292
    3. Mansker52 Mansker52, 13 years ago
      That link was wrong Sorry
      Just go to facebook and go to From the Past!
    4. vanskyock24 vanskyock24, 13 years ago
      happy valentines day lisa you romantic
    5. lisa lisa, 13 years ago
      I know, I'm a total sap! Happy V-Day to you all!
    6. epson233 epson233, 12 years ago
      cute story -- loved it
    7. inky inky, 11 years ago
      Hi Lisa!...thank you for your support over the last year ..... Merry Christmas and a great New Year!...:-)
    8. trunkman trunkman, 11 years ago
      PS. I was in a butterfly mode today -- was listening to Elton John's "butterflies are free to fly" song and then noticed on CW your unique selections today. Valentines theme fits into it all so now my circle is complete.
    9. lisa lisa, 11 years ago
      Ha, that's funny. I'm making springtime-themed collections. :)
    10. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 11 years ago
      Lovely card and I agree with PhilipDavidAlexandermorris 2 years later (well I wasn't on CW then).
    11. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 10 years ago
      Merry Christmas lisa !!!
    12. inky inky, 9 years ago
      Merry Christmas lisa...:-)
    13. vetraio50 vetraio50, 8 years ago
      HAPPY NEW YEAR LISA !!! ! !!!

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