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A Czech "Sandpaper" Vase - Up Close & yet Far, Far Away

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Bohemian Art Glass5584 of 6905A Pair of c1900 Poschinger VasesJingle BALLS Jingle BALLS...... WELZ BALLS ???
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (150 items)

    I have only one of these but I really like it. It is unsigned and 5.5 inches tall. If you click on the two close-ups, to me it's like looking through a world-class telescope at a distant cluster of galaxies - a whole universe in your hands.

    I was not sure of the correct name - Glue Chip or Chipped Ice - and I thought that they were made circa 1930 by Kralik. Jericho added the post below that I think important enough to repeat here.

    "I think for years these were sold as gluechip or chipped ice but i think Sandpaper Glass is the best descriptive name... Gluechip is the king of this stuff. I had these in my Kralik file for a while because Kralik signed pieces were made with a similar overshot technique but now i think these might be a different maker than Kralik- the shape comparisons do not point towards Kralik" - Jericho.

    If you want to see a whole collection of examples, go to "GlueChip's" CW site for a real treat:

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    1. jericho jericho, 11 years ago
      I think for years these were sold as gluechip or chipped ice but i think Sandpaper glass is the best descriptive name... Gluechip is the king of this stuff. i had these in my kralik file for a while because kralik signed pieces were made with a similar overshot technique but now i think these might be a different maker than kralik- the shape comparisons do not point towards Kralik. these are great pieces to have and yours is a great one
    2. VioletOrange VioletOrange, 11 years ago
      Thanks jericho, I will change the post.
    3. VioletOrange VioletOrange, 11 years ago

      I have only this one piece and I have provided close-ups of it for "beauty" purposes - but the closeups also show technique, no removed chips - thus "Sandpaper Glass" - a version of overshot glass? Can you or "GlueChip" or anyone else provide a closeup of an example showing the actual gluechip technique where small amounts of glass are removed from the surface?
    4. inky inky, 11 years ago
      What lovely photos!...:-)
    5. VioletOrange VioletOrange, 11 years ago
      Thanks inky, sometimes the photos surprise by revealing hidden beauty.
    6. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 11 years ago
      Great post VO.
      What an unusual vase. I'm amazed how many different types of glass there are.
    7. VioletOrange VioletOrange, 11 years ago
      Thanks Vintagefran

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