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William ans Mary halfback rocking chair

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Chairs2941 of 2951Handmade Modern Chair circa 1950 Plywood Prototype?Thonet Chair
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    Posted 15 years ago

    (1 item)

    I found this unique rocker, and trying to verify the age of it. Some research suggest it is a William and mary style because of it's spiral spindles, legs and croos ties. Unique carved appears to be 2 dogs facing eah other in the center of the curved back. Small side panels with 5' x 11" leather . Any suggestions to verify it's authenticity? Thank you

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    1. Santiago, 15 years ago
      My guess is that this a Louie XIII hunter style chair. If it is, it probably dates to 1880-1890. It is a unique piece. Good luck.
    2. flea, 15 years ago
      Outstanding craftsmanship! No initials or anything punched into the bottom? Don't even think of restoring it! What State did you find it in? Know anything at all about the history? I don't know where you are, climate and all, but maybe this shouldn't be stuck in the garage. It looks like a possibly exciting piece, not that I know anything about anything. Good luck!
    3. loghomz, 15 years ago
      I found this chair in Knoxville, Tn. Know one seems to know anything about it history. I keep the chair in the home. I was hoping to find a value for it, It's in remarkable great condition except for the finish. I would like to clean it but not sure what would be the best product.
    4. flea, 15 years ago
      I have the same problem with some of my chairs, but first about yours.

      So no stamp under the seat?

      Try to get an appraisal. Send your images to some auction houses/ antique furniture dealers. Do not attempt to restore--yet. And look for that mark--'signature.'

      If you mean "clean" as get the dust off, I'll guess damp cotton cloth with a touch of original Murphy's soap wouldn't hurt. Again, to get dust off--NOT to pretty it up. I wouldn't have gone this far even except you said the finish is a mess.

      How's the leather holding up?

      Was the chair constructed with dowels, or nails and/or screws. I hope dowels or the like.

      Someday maybe I'll tell the story about a greasy "refinisher" who screwed up a Roycraft.

    5. flea, 15 years ago
      I hate it when this happens.

      Any news or gossip, Santiago?
    6. david, 14 years ago
      i got this old chair outof the trash it is wood and has whells arms and it is cherry wood were would i look to see if i can find it online can you help me i have looked at so many chairs and cant find it no were online i am sure it is worth something but what thank you
    7. Robert, 14 years ago
      Have you found any info out on your chair? I have a high back rocker with the same style spirals from the head rest to the seat back. I was told it was a Jacobs made in the New England area between 1780 and 1820 . Your chair is the only one I have been able to locate on line with the same type design
    8. Bruce Abshire, 14 years ago
      Hi Robert, I ahvn't found anything further yet. I did send pics to Christies for an appraisal. I'll let you know what I found out. Could you please send me any pics you may hve of your rocker?
    9. Maggie M. Ismail, 14 years ago
      I have an old rocking chair with a back that is shaped like a giant spade...looks like William and Mary wood though....the arm of the chair is the carved head and face of a man...the base of it has legs that terminate with what looks like a femur or maybe some type of human or animal bone shape.....Extemely unique looking chair.....Maggie.....
    10. James James, 14 years ago
      After you finish cleaning it you may want to apply a lite coat of this It is beeswax and lemon oil. GREAT find.
    11. Robert, 14 years ago
      Bruce, Sorry its been a while . Did you find any info on your chair? I have found out the my rocker is from Conn. area made in the late 1700's. Its made of oak and the only one known to exist. I had to contact a few furniture places in the north east from philly to albany that deal in this type of furniture. I only have a few picks on my cell phone. It is getting restored and has been there for over 6 months. should be done soon. I dont have an e-mail for you.... minw is
    12. CedarOaks CedarOaks, 14 years ago
      Any chance you ever found out about this one? It is truly a wonderfully crafted piece you have/had .....anyone would be proud to have it!!
    13. RandomOsities, 12 years ago
      OMG- 4 months ago, while dropping items at Goodwill I found a chair IDENTICAL to your 'spirally spindly' chair- also very hard to trace anything about it.
      but, I do live in Connecticut and its where I found the chair. I've not seen a single one like it in any books or anywhere on the internet-----:-) :-) :-) until I saw your pic while doing an image search. I'd recognize that back piece anywhere.
      I,m so thrilled that I've seen doesn't help solve the mysetry , but it fill in blanks. Cut was known for its fine furniture building, and Garner, Mass only 45 mins away-where all the early American furniture was made....this chair just doesn't have the same feel as any of the oldest or rarest chairs I've collected as hobbyist and business woman......I'd almost say that the idea of Ct origin is dead on. It has that fancier-less ordinary simplicity grabbed my attention that instantly I sat upon it and was enfolded in its storey rugged arms its the most solid feeling antique I've ever had the luxury of planting my butt in:-) I'm in love with it......I don't fall for my chairs-due to the fact that its a business.....but, we are two LUCKY people to have the most uniquely fantastic chairs I've ever seen yet WE OWN EM:-) :-) :-) I wish I could tell you more-ive been doing lots of research and like I said yours is the ONLY one I've seen, and I'm in the business! Will keep digging:-)
      Amy, Ct
    14. RandomOsities, 12 years ago
      Still unsure of its origin. William and Mary or Charles all???

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