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Cop the Cream

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Milk Bottles796 of 886riggins dairy half pint bottlesAbbotts , Abbott's Dairy , Bethlehem (Butztown) , Philadelphia , Pa. work uniforms
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (2 items)

    Hillside Dairy Whitely Mass. Cop the Cream. Glass Milk Bottle with a Cops Head. "For your protection use Hillside dairy milk" Patent Number 108074 TM

    Unsolved Mystery

    Help us close this case. Add your knowledge below.

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    1. Ciesielski54, 11 years ago
      Thank you all who love this . I was pretty amazed when I paid $1.00 for it . I never realized it was a cops head on the neck of the bottle until I got home and washed it . My son is going to the Police Academy the end of February , going to give it to him as a gift .
    2. jonima jonima, 11 years ago
      What's the unsolved mystery on it?
    3. Ciesielski54, 11 years ago
      I guess you deleted my other comments or gorgyle did , the mystery on it was how old is it ? Does others have something like it ? Has anyone ever sold one ? Someone answered me already , which was quite nice . I didn't actually ask the question , but i figured someone would give me some information i didn't have on there since i wrote mystery . Mystery usually means some one doesn't know know all there is to know about it . Which i didn't . I really didn't expect people on this site to be rude .
      From here on in , i will never ever " Write Mystery " on anything any more , since it seems to irk some people .
    4. gargoylecollector gargoylecollector, 11 years ago
      FYI ,I cannot delete yours or my own comments on your posts.So don't blame me!
    5. Ciesielski54, 11 years ago
      I won't . Can we be friends ? As I said I am new to this . Figured there are a lot of people out there who know so much more then me . I love old things and always have , always interested in learning . Think this site will help me . Have a good day , Kath
    6. gargoylecollector gargoylecollector, 11 years ago
      Thank you, and how about starting fresh?Welcome to CW,and please feel free to post more of your items!Some of us on here do get cranky sometimes and I apologize.
    7. jonima jonima, 11 years ago
      I meant nothing either, was just wondering what the mystery was. As ggc said, only you or an admin can delete comments.
    8. Ciesielski54, 11 years ago
      Sounds good , thank you . Kath

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