Posted 11 years ago
(5053 items)
Another interesting find from Urban Ore! [i swear i don't work for them!!] i think that this is painted on or maybe it's just a decal? regardless, it looks pretty fine. any info would be appreciated.
It's a salmon.
Here is the same image from a blog
so this is the lid to a gift box of smoked salmon from alaska! i found online a photo of a box guitar made w/ one of them.
thank you walksoftly - again!
You're very welcome, glad to help.
I think I would keep the gift box & give someone else the smokes salmon.
i LOVE smoked/jerked salmon! i have a good friend who is Athabaskan [eskimo] and she gets it for me from her family on a regular basis. i could live on it!
I ate so many salmon sandwiches as a kid I think it was in my lunch box every day. I gag at the smell of salmon now.
I know where to send the salmon if someone sends me one of these gift boxes.
That is a Sockeye Salmon! Pretty sure! The best for eating in the world! Beautiful!
You're right Don, they go through a transformation at spawning time that gives
them a red colour & the males jaw gets a more pronounced hook on it.
Beautiful!! I lived in Alaska for a couple years (Hatcher Pass), it's an amazing place. The native artwork is so nice and the history interesting, and in many aspects so very tragic. I preferred to smoke silver salmon though. Check out the artwork of the Haida and Tlingit of southeast Alaska.
thanks Vermont. i love the work of the Haida and Tlingit - although i'm more familiar w/ them in British Colombia. i spent the first half of my life in Vermont - Weathersfield - on the Connecticut River.
Well, a big hello to a fellow Vermonter!