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Ship to Great Dam and Walking the Yangtze River!

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (728 items)

    Hello! I took Chinese tourist ship from Chongqing, where two great rivers meet, the Jiang and Yangtze. It stopped at Ghost City and other stops, even canoe races! And walking the River. All other Chinese took a bus back! I did not know this and bought round trip boat tickets! Well I changed boats for coming back and had no toilet seat or water in my room, just hole in floor. No blankets , and no tourist stops. Working people, many many with animals etc. Many were sick and drunk and smoking a lot. When I returned to Chongqing, I went to 4 star Hotel, had a hot shower and slept. It was still a great experience. My first ship only had cold water and 1 blanket. No heat but big window and a store to buy things and a good restaurant for cheap! Thanks for looking, Oh had a strange experience with a woman, haha! That is also why traveling is special! Thanks for looking!! Also many cities were flooded when dam was completed! toracat Ship was cheap, but saw bigger fancy ones for Amer., European, Aussie, Can., etc. tourist, but who wants to meet them! haha don Oh saw monkeys walking river!

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    1. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 11 years ago
      Happy you made it back you wild and single man!!!
    2. toracat toracat, 11 years ago
      This was heaven compared to Amazon River rides! haha Thank you Moon, I wish I was younger, I want to do much but have problem with my legs from Agent Orange, but I did so much and maybe I can get them stronger! don
    3. toracat toracat, 11 years ago
      See my blue jacket! Well during New Years, about 6-7 10-12 yr. old girls gave me a 3ft. sparkler and they danced around me and caught my jacket on fire! Wow that was funny but scary! haha
    4. toracat toracat, 11 years ago
      China is insane, interesting, and crazy! I had no guides except on Chinese tourist boat, they told us what to do when we stopped, I just followed other people as I did not understand what they were saying.!
    5. toracat toracat, 11 years ago
      Yes, I went twice on just 30 day visa each time, both to Chongqing area! I want to go back, but now I must work on fixing my legs, as they do not work so well! But I visited as a traveler 35 countries and spent maybe 15 years doing this! So I am happy I did not wait until older to travel! My first trip to China I was 60! On New Years some girls set me on fire! and I had to drop and roll! haha They were 5-6 about 10-12 yrs. old! They gave me and had 3ft. sparklers and danced around me and jacket caught fire! and burned my hand!!
    6. Printsid Printsid, 11 years ago
      truly beautiful place
    7. toracat toracat, 11 years ago
      Thank you!
    8. Printsid Printsid, 11 years ago
      Your welcome toracat. i'm sure that would be an amazing to see and to be there
    9. VanessaT, 11 years ago
      Great pics, beautiful
    10. toracat toracat, 11 years ago
      Thank you!
    11. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 10 years ago
      que inmensidad
    12. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 10 years ago
      Por Dios, que belleza tora!!!
      Amazing adventure friend!
    13. toracat toracat, 10 years ago
      Thanks V V

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