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Winter travels circa 1947

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All items167447 of 245675Three Trunks - all very interestingGeneral Electric "Petite", Model AB-3F52
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (167 items)

    Continuing on with the same theme from my last post.
    This photo is of my parents out with the team & cutter. Not the greatest picture, but it does show how they traveled on the nicer winter days in 1947. They have a blanket over their legs to help keep them warm.

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    1. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      For years I thought it was just a myth that people actually lived in climes like that. To much evidence for me to deny it any longer. The flood of postings have passed so I guess that it means it must be warming a bit up in McDonald's Land.
    2. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Great post Bro ! Love it and stay warm xoxo
    3. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      You're correct B'buss it is warming up & it's good that you're finally seeing the truth. There may only be a few who get your cryptic reference to this land in the far North.
    4. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      Thanks for the love & the kind words Sis & I will button up my jacket & put my mittens on just for you :-)
    5. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      Thanks for the love Aim & agh.
    6. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      Thanks for the love on this old one Phil. Seems like dogs always end up in the photo's.
    7. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      Looking at this pic., I had to put on a jacket! It's 80F.
    8. Suebeejay Suebeejay, 11 years ago
      Love this picture. Back in the early '70s we lived on the outskirts of town. There was a small boarding stable at the end of our street. My best friend in elementary school lived there. Her father would hitch up a horse to a cutter in the the winter and a flat bed wagon in the summer and take her to school. He always stopped and picked up any kids walking along the way. It was such a treat and a great memory. Had not thought about that family in sometime.
    9. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      @ b'buss I think I'll post some more winter photo's just for you.
    10. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      Thank you Suebeejay, what a great memory to have & thanks for sharing it with us.
    11. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      Be easy Walks as they don't sell winter clothes here! A fire place with a blunderbuss & powder horn hanging over it would look good but friends might have me committed.
    12. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      Hey, I'm just trying to toughen you up so you can make another trip north to Macdonald land!
    13. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      Mon, me not come up so in winter! Statute de Limitations expires soon.
    14. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      Okay, what trouble did you get into the last time that you were here?
    15. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      I am going to Blunder's ! No more snow sounds good to me .
    16. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      You could be on to something there Sis!
    17. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      Sounds like it may get crowded here! May have to move back to Statia since nobody knows where it is.
    18. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Sint Eustatius, also known affectionately to the locals as Statia or Statius, is a small Caribbean island and a special municipality of the Netherlands :-) I can find that blunder so Bro we can still go lol
    19. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      I lived on that "Rock" for 8 1/2 yrs & as you know, I'm perfectly normal after the experience. There is that little "tick" though & the 1000 yard stare. There are still many islands left & now I know better than to name my destination.
      I was told that what I wanted was in St. Eustatius by a self-proclaimed psychic in the late 70's. The 3rd travel agent finally found it listed under E instead of St.'s. She was right. But that's another story.
    20. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      Thanks for the love DrFluffy, smiata, fortapache, & vans.
    21. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      Thanks for the love on this old one gar, Ww, petey & Inky.
    22. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      Thanks for the love Sean.
    23. Printsid Printsid, 11 years ago
      I enjoying seeing pictures like these. They are great. I love horses and of course dogs too. We have 6 dogs inside (sometimes 7, depending if elderly dog that neighbor moved away and left their dog, she came here and we fed so she stayed with us) and 1 chocolate lab outside. Plus ferrets and a calico cat inside also. But I have always loved horses. As I was a child & gowing up, we had many horses.
    24. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      Thanks for the love & your kind words.
      That's a lot of animals, sounds like my daughter in law, I keep telling her that if she gets any more she will need a license to operate a petting zoo. :-)
    25. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      Thanks for the love tom, VF, valentino, miKKo & ho2.
    26. Printsid Printsid, 11 years ago
      True, I keep telling my husband (and myself) that we're animal poor. haha. Seems like we feed the inside dogs better than we feed ourselves :) We always buy them the 10 lb chicken leg quarters in bags and I boil it. My husband heats it up in the evenings and takes chicken off bones. That bag usually lasts about 2-3 days in the fridge. We also give them ham, all chopped up real fine, and they get left overs from our dinner too. 1 shih tzu, 4 pomeranians, and 1 chihuahua, and most evenings the other female doggie too. Plus we give our chocolate lab the same we give the DooBears inside. Seems that we grocery shop more for them than we do ourselves :)
    27. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      It's a wonder that you don't have all the neighborhood dogs coming over to eat at your house:-)
    28. Printsid Printsid, 11 years ago
      haha. they do visit in front yard, but she's the only one we let in our house, because she was starving and we knew neighbor moved without her. My husband even puts their food on paper plates for our DooBears inside, and the one large DooBear that lives in back yard. You should see the paperplates that I have to pick up every couple days. We made our old shed into her house with large doggie door. We insulated it and put a ceiling fan, an a/c in window for when its warm and also put a heater inside for the cold times. She has a Lazy-Boy couch that pulls out to a queen sz bed, the chair that goes with it and an end table. hahaa...
    29. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      She has the life, a nice house that's always at the right temperature, a lazy boy & a butler.
    30. Printsid Printsid, 11 years ago
      true. wish we could be taken care of as well :) haha
    31. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      I could move south for the winter & be well taken care of. The dog may not give up the lazy boy & I might get tired of chicken though :-)
    32. Printsid Printsid, 11 years ago
      haha.. there's ham and other meats given. and alittle dog food, shes the only one that'll eat a little dog food tho. She'd give up half of the lazy boy couch or y'all could pull out the bed, which is an extra thick therapeadic matress. hahaa
    33. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      Walks, I'll have to be careful that I don't accidentally give you my address. Down to 73-74F nites here!
    34. Printsid Printsid, 11 years ago
      blunder, that's nice temps. I have a friend works for Nasa, so walks and family and my husband and I could stay at one or the other, then switch after almost wearing our welcome out. hahaa
    35. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      I refer you back to #34 Printsid. LOL!
    36. Printsid Printsid, 11 years ago
      lol blunder, haha. Can't believe u wouldn't let us all come that way for the warmth
    37. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      It's a small Island B'buss I could find you:-)
    38. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      Printsid, better bring camping gear & You can set-up in the yard. La femme Allemand who put me in the cardiac unit 3 yrs ago is back to finish the job & friend due the 25th for the Heineken Regatta. Of course visitors want to party non-stop & don't understand that we don't. Just another place to live & work(?).
      And Walks, I live in a gated community(not 1 to keep me in for a change) & the guards admit OK'd visitors. Of course the guards are all Jamaican & that worries me a bit. Posse at the gate!LOL
    39. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      B'buss, don't you remember sending me that get in free pass last year :-)
    40. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      No Walks, but it has expired by now. I hope. The Kraut leaves Mar.3rd for a boat delivery & friend leaves Mar 6th. After that, I'll issue you a new pass if I am a survivor.
    41. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      You forgot to fill out the expiry date, if you aren't at home on the 7th of March, should I check at the cardiac unit for you?
    42. Printsid Printsid, 11 years ago
      yes blunder, I could bring camping gear, but hoping you'd send me and walks a pass real soon :) i don't think the outside bugs would do either of us and families very well. haha... hope ur not in cardiac unit ever (esp after ur company leaves) tho :)
    43. Printsid Printsid, 11 years ago
      Walks, what I was trying to say to begin with is that u and ur family are very welcome to stay in our home anytime (just praying I'm not in hospital for my spinal implant at that time, but it still wouldn't be any trouble then either. Especially if our chocolate lab won't scoot over on the couch/bed hahaaa.
    44. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      Walks & Printsid, the pic on my base site is the one who put me in the cardiac unit 3 yrs ago. Will change pic tomorrow. Mailed her & said, "When are you coming home?" Showed up the next day & figure I'll give her a chance to finish me off! Never wanted to die with my boots on, but, in the saddle sounds OK!
      When everybody leaves after the Heineken Regatta, you are welcome. I would appreciate a short break though.
    45. Printsid Printsid, 11 years ago
      lol B'buss. My husband and I thank you for the invite, and I'm sure it'll be a while with all the trouble with my back (the Spinal Cord Stimulator implanted 13 months ago and trouble with the contacts staying on the nerves with it ever since, a month ago the Dr and St Jude rep said I needed a revision & I asked for them to set up surgery. Then about a week later, after calling Dr every day asking about the surgery date if and when it'd be set up, I received a letter from the Dr "firing" me, I guess he thought his 12 months "warranty" was up for his work. But I've had trouble since day one (12-28-12) of the implant after getting home, I had already lost the programming and next day meeting my St Jude rep, I had already lost one of the contacts to the nerves "it showed one of the leads invalid". As of 12-5-13 twelve of the 16 contacts were invalid and I could only get a very limited programming to stimulate a few of the the nerves. Now I don't have any stimulation to the nerves, I'm meeting with my reps boss this Tuesday to attempt reprogramming. Like my husband, Ronnie, and I have said, we paid over $85,000.00 for just this implant, not counting the trial implant and numerous surgeries and procedures in the past year and half and none of this had worked and this implant is not working at all anymore). But as soon as all of the troubles with my Spinal Cord Stimulator implanted in my back begins working and releaving some of the pain that I am going through, we will take you up on the invite. I hope it doesn't have an expiration date :) so I'm sure u'd have a break between your friend leaving and all of us arriving, because I'm not definite when my back implant will begin working correctly.
    46. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      Bonne chance. Sounds like a hell of a situation. What caused the problem?
    47. Printsid Printsid, 11 years ago
      I had to have laminacetomy/decompression surgery for discs (L4,L5& S1) to relieve some of the pain I was in. I worked law enforcement (crimescene & fingerprint ID) for many years, then became the store Manager then District Manager of AutoZone. During all the lifting, etc mostly from my last employer, the pain definitely increased. On June 3, 2012 was the worked per my back surgeon so I didn't cause anymore trouble to my back during work. I had that surgery 6-7-12 & That surgery didn't help enough, I was having extreme pain. So I went thru tons of procedures, etc for surgeon to attempt fusing those discs in my spine. After the last procedure in October 2012 to find out which discs were causing the most pain, My back surgeon said that he couldn't fuse my whole spine (every disc in my back was in horrible condition) because it could paralyze me. they do preform that on patients that is already paralyzed because it couldn't get any worse for them. but it could possibly cripple me and my back surgeon said I was too active of a person to have that possibly happen. He sent me back to the Pain Management Dr that had preformed most of the procedures before and after the surgery in June, as a canidate for the Spinal Cord Stimulator trial, then possibly permanent surgery. I had to go thru many more procedures and a mental examination (I guess to make sure I wasn't suicidial) before even having the trial SCS. Finally got the trial 12-5-12 thru 12-10-12 and it relieved over 50% pain, so they removed it and i had to wait atleast 2 wks for permanent implant. After the permanent implant surgery (I was released a few hours later to go home) I had lost all programming (that was programmed in at the hospital during surgery by the St Jude reps) that night when I tried to change between the 3 programs they gave me to begin with. any where between 1 wk to 2 wks and even sooner, I've had to make trips to meet the reps (3 hours drive, one way) to reprogram the stimulator. I've gotten shocked etc from the stimulator (Eon Mini) in my ear canal, while using the headset (little earbud type) for my iphone5 and jolts (quick jolt/zap of painful stimulation to my ribs which doubles me over, and also jolts into my lower back. And more pain at times than what i was in before the surgery. The Implant was supposed to decreaase my pain and let me live my life doing most of what I was doing before. When stimulation is going right, yes, I got some relief from pain, but then I'd lose that program as soon as it began relieveing it. the reps kept setting more and more programs to the Eon Mini (stimulator) I began with 3 programs, now I have 20 programs, that NONE of the 20 work at all. they'd give me more programs so i could lose some or most before having to come back to get reprogrammed.. hahaaa. It would be great for this thing to actually work and stimulate the nerves in my back, hips, and legs to my toes. :) well thats part of my story. hahaaaa
    48. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      Think I'll just keep my heart trouble. I've strained my back enough times to have true sympathy for people with chronic back trouble.
    49. Printsid Printsid, 11 years ago
      I believe the heart troube is alot worse. you are lucky to get a second chance. You can survive with back trouble, but its with u for the rest of your life. My back problems affect my life horribly. I'm 44 and in pain that no one can see. When I go out some days, I always keep a smile on my face and keep my spirits so no-one can see the pain i'm in). The doctors have me on so much medication and i'm still in tons of pain. I just want the Eon mini to work, then for the doctors to get it connected to the right nerves to decrease my pain, so that I'm not taking handfulls of meds to just keep the edge off. haha.. now on to a happier note :)
    50. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      Printsid, I've been "dead" (thru the 'out of body' experience) & have no fear of death now. I fear pain. I'll keep the heart problem! Sorry if that sounds a bit morbid, but true.
    51. Printsid Printsid, 11 years ago
      Understood. Haha. Hope all goes well with u. :)
    52. Printsid Printsid, 11 years ago
      Keep in touch
    53. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      Actually, if you want to come down, you may want to come REAL soon! The Kraut girl's fiance (future ex-husband) is due here in 2 wks. I'm cleaning & oiling my 9 now in case he is the jealous type.
    54. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      B'buss, don't give him a pass to the gate, just let her in!
    55. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      Already figured that out Walks.
    56. Printsid Printsid, 11 years ago
      I agree with Walks. No pass, no entry hahaa. Jamaican guards at ur gate will stop him, hopefully. Hahaa
    57. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      He will only be here 1 week so maybe I'll just skip to another island that week. Looking for a look-a-like to house sit. LOL!
    58. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      Thanks for the love Sis & nuts.

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