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Marx wind up motocycle cop with siren

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Marx Toys446 of 4471950's Robin Hood Playset by MarxNative American and horse
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (128 items)

    This was From my neighbor accross the street where I grew up in chicago.He raced motorcycles in the 30s He had all kinds old harley motorcycles and indian .I was young so when I was old enough to buy they were already bought.However I remembered This toy I went and asked doris about the toy john played with before he died and she got huffy .I told her I would give her 50 dollars for it and she smiled and ran in the house and got it and said she was using the money for a new dress.Ha My toys and stuff all have stories.

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    1. Toyman Toyman, 14 years ago
      Thanks DMK678 This was always one of my favorite toys
    2. wannabeapicker2 wannabeapicker2, 14 years ago
      cute story! She got all huffy, but was happy for the $50 to buy a new dress...ha! I love this toy!
    3. Toyman Toyman, 14 years ago
      She was happy .She thought I just wanted it.I told her Iwould give her 50 boy she shot in that house for that toy.She wanted that new dress. I guess its a woman thing ha ?
    4. Toyman Toyman, 14 years ago
      Thanks kerry I love this toy to and this guy who this belonged to was a real harley and indian motorcycle nut
    5. Toyman Toyman, 14 years ago
      All right whats going on here?
    6. Toyman Toyman, 14 years ago
      Thank you so much destine.g.v I love this toy to .Hope you had a great day.
    7. Toyman Toyman, 14 years ago
      Thanks rocker-sd Check out other cool toys I have on my site.I will be listing more soon.Thanks again toyman
    8. Toyman Toyman, 14 years ago
      Thanks DMK678 Hope you have a great day
    9. Toyman Toyman, 14 years ago
      It still has original price sticker on back fender too.
    10. Toyman Toyman, 14 years ago
      Thanks ben I love my old toys I have a few neat ones on my site.Chck out the yellow 1930 roy cox race car with motor.Thanks again ben
    11. Toyman Toyman, 14 years ago
      Thanks shottims Isee you have good tast in toys.
    12. aycockonxion aycockonxion, 14 years ago
      Great looking bike!
    13. MikeHebert MikeHebert, 14 years ago
      Awesome buy!!! I love it and the story lol!
    14. Toyman Toyman, 10 years ago
      Thanks petey

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