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Rival #38 Lebanon Stove Works. Lebanon, PA Antique Stove

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (2 items)

    Rival #38 Lebanon Stove Works. Lebanon, PA
    Catalog Price list 1892-1893 - $37.00
    "We feel no hesitancy in placing before you our leading Square Double Heater, THE RIVAL.
    It in size, weight and ornamentation leads the great number of square and so-called first-class heaters. It is fitted up with large flues, which takes the air from the floor and warms it thoroughly, thus furnishing a circulation of warm air which can be used for heating room above. It is made with different styles of ornamentation, which gives persons in moderate circumstances, the privilege of buying a first-class heater at a moderate price. Stoves differ only in the amount of nickel on the surface. It has a full revertible flue, tea kettle attachment, duplex grate, check damper, which assists in regulating the fire, and at the same time works as a perfect ventilator. Thus you see the Rival cannot be excelled as a heater. Order a sample and be convinced of its superior qualities. Every heater warranted"

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    1. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 11 years ago
      Wow! You would hate to use it! RER
    2. Windwalker, 11 years ago
    3. rocker-sd rocker-sd, 11 years ago
      Wow! Beautiful stove and great collection. Welcome to Collectors Weekly show & tell. Hope you will post more stoves, do you have a Art Garland?
    4. crazycharacter, 11 years ago
    5. RustyIronRanch RustyIronRanch, 11 years ago
      Rocker-sd, we use to have an Art Garland Baseburner but sold it :(
      I'll have to post some teaser photos for you!
    6. rocker-sd rocker-sd, 11 years ago
      The Art Garland you posted is beautiful. I am wondering what model is represented in my poster? I always assumed it was a Art Garland, but it slightly different than your post. Different top, and one has tiles. Enjoyed viewing your U-Tube video, great collection.

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