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Pressed Glass/Crystal CAKE PLATE pattern by Tarentum Glass

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (436 items)

    I'm hoping that Tallcakes will be able to lead me on the "Starry" path to knowledge with this 11" Cake plate. The main pattern is of course the feathered stars and the beveled lozenges with tiny fans in the corners. The lozenges are outlined with notches. The pattern is all underbase and there is a 36 point star in the center. It stands 1 1/2" tall. Any ideas....Is it a lone item or part of an EAPG pattern? Thanks everyone, RER(BOB)

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    1. TallCakes TallCakes, 11 years ago
      interesting piece but not a pattern that I recognize right off and didn't see an example of a 'feathered star' motif. Are the notch rays making the panels cut or pressed; how does the glass react to black light?
    2. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 11 years ago
      A feathered snowflake would be a better description of the small designs that are better seen if you click on the second photo I uploaded. I can't see any mold marks around the outer rim but there are indications of a three piece mold in the inner designs going through 3 notches to the center and there are "straw marks" in the glass. It is super clear crystal-like glass that does not produce any colors under a black light. It's a very well designed pattern IMHO. Thanks TallCakes for your help. BOB
    3. TallCakes TallCakes, 11 years ago
      ahhhhhhh, snowflake; why didn't I think of that. Often EAPG will give off a dim yellowgreen glow when looking at the edge of an item like a plate, but must in total darkness and you have to manipulate just right to see it. With the snowflake info I was able to find the pattern. It is Tarentum Glass #1900 Frost Crystal, c.1906
    4. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 11 years ago
      I probably looked at that pattern 10 times but unless you see the exact shape, you can't really say that's it. So it is EAPG! I'm so glad you're around to help us out. Thanks BOB
    5. TallCakes TallCakes, 11 years ago
      you're welcome Bob. EAPG is often categorized by the most prominent motif; but it often depends on being on the same page as the person making the categories and then being able to actually recognize the motif. I just failed to recognize the snowflake at first and with your hint to that motif it was easy to find.
    6. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 11 years ago
      Thank you aghcollect, walksoftly and antiques-in-nj for the Love. RER(BOB)
    7. TallCakes TallCakes, 11 years ago
      it doesn't hurt for testing purposes to looks at EAPG with a black light. You are correct that long exposure to sunlight or other UV light will "damage" glass containing manganese.
    8. Paul71 Paul71, 11 years ago
      It's Tarentum Glass Company's No. 1906 Peerless pattern. I've seen it misprinted as No. 1900 before. Don, what reference did you use? Just curious how far the error has spread. I am looking at an ad in the December 14, 1905 issue of Crockery & Glass Journal, and it clearly says Our new Peerless No. 1906. This would have been a new pattern for the 1906 market.
    9. TallCakes TallCakes, 11 years ago
      EAPGpatterns does have 'Peerless' listed as an AKA with the pattern #1900
    10. Paul71 Paul71, 11 years ago
      They are incorrect on a lot of things, unfortunately. The OMN is No. 1906 Peerless, the AKA is "Frost Crystal."

      Heacock first printed some original information on the pattern in his ruby stained book in 1986. He quotes a report from China, Glass & Lamps from 12/23/05. I don't have that particular issue to reference, so I don't know if Heacock's No. 1900 is in error or if that is the way it was printed in the journal. It's important to remember the old trade journals are not infallible.

      Tarentum generally used names rather than numbers, and the few numbers they did use were in the hundreds. So, it's my feeling that the correct number for Peerless is No. 1906, for that is the year they introduced the pattern for.
    11. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 11 years ago
      Thank you Paul71 for your valuable input. It's quite interesting to see the vast knowledge you two share. Thank you also mikelv85, nutsabotas6 and SEAN68 for the Love. RER(BOB)
    12. TallCakes TallCakes, 11 years ago
      looked in Heacock 7 and he states 'Peerless 1900' as the OMN and 'Frost Crystal' as an AKA; also mentions quotes 12/23/1905 CG&L as 'No. 1900 Peerless Line'.

      On your first quote you mention the 12/14/1905 CG&L using the "1906" number. So, who's to say which is in error or correct without original catalog listing or Tarentum data?

      Agree about EAPGpatterns; I do see a number of times where OMN and AKA are confused, but generally fairly accurate with their IDs and easy to communicate with.

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