Posted 11 years ago
(3481 items)
The favorite of my Rose Bowl finds. This model was made from 1925-1930. It works very well. It has been rewired with a modern cord, I will hopefully soon replace it with a proper cloth covered cord. The cage on this is 11". This is a non oscillating fan. That is not designed to do so.
It has the smiley face on/off and speed selector switch.
Love it. You should be able to find someone that can get you a correct cloth cord on one of the forums on the AFCA website. The best ones from that era have brass blades, but most of those are just a little bit older. I would agree this one is late '20s, and my first thought was that it's a Trumpet Crank, but I believe they only made that one in an oscillator. Also, it should be a 12" cage..
Thank you aycockonxion. A brass blade fan is what I was looking for but this is what I found at an acceptable price. It should not be a problem to find a proper cord, it will look much better. Also I need to join AFCA.
Thank you very much for the comment JayHow. I know those old fans will blow away the modern plastic wonders. I have several other fans I have have posted along with 4 more I have left to post. Let me get over to your fan. It deserves a comment I am surprised I didn't leave one already.
Feel free to post your Zero I would be happy to see it.
Thank you Dr Fluffy.
Thank you gargoylecollector.
Thank you Aimathena.
Thank you PhilDavidAlexanderMorris.
Thank you blunderbuss2
Thank you walksoftly.
Thank you EJW-54.
Thank you Jay How.
Thank you toracat.
Thank you artistinside
Thank you Nicefice.