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U.S. Army 3rd Armored Division shoulder Patches

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (321 items)

    I was assigned to the 3rd Armored Division for two years of my three year enlistment. There wasn't much change to the patch until 1944 when the word Spearhead was added. Not until the VietNam war did the patch change again to foliage green and again during Desert Storm.
    The last change came in 2004 it is called ACU Foliage Velcro. The three colors represent: red for artillery, yellow for Armor, and blue for Infantry. The green patch and DUI is for the 36th Infantry Regiment.

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    1. Dizzydave Dizzydave, 14 years ago
      Were at Tom, I was in 3rd Armor Div. from 1981-86 in Freidberg Germany Ray Barracks! Home of Elvis! LOL
    2. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      I was in Kirch-Gons, Germany Ayers Kaserne (The Rock) from Dec 1961 to Jan 1964. I went six months TDY to the 7th Army Honor Guard at Bad Tolz and another three months TDY for the 3rd Armored Pistol & Rifle match team at Frankfurt. Overall I enjoyed my stay in Germany. I believe the exchange rate was 4 mark 40 to a dollar in those days.
    3. shepperson, 14 years ago
      now all you need is a MULTICAN patch
    4. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      Shepperson, I had to check what MULTICAM patch is. I didn't find a 3rd Armored Division patch. mybe because the 3rd Armored was deactivated after Desert Storm.
    5. Dizzydave Dizzydave, 14 years ago
      Yep it was Tom, I was told Ray Barracks is no more. Same! Loved that place and the Town People!
    6. Dizzydave Dizzydave, 14 years ago
      Shame! LOL
    7. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      So sad that all the Kaserne's are being demolish, Ayers Kaserne buildings are gone and a German trucking Company operates out of there. I hear they left the post chapel as a remembrance to the 3rd Armored.
    8. jpa1012, 9 years ago
      i just found a second edition of the 3rd army spearhead book in a sale, scooped it up and it was signed by a medic in 2002 I am sure he is protecting our freedom from above, great read about our past heros. I thank them all

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