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Two old costume brooches

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Copper Jewelry47 of 63Maya Mexico!  Copper owl brooch with green rhinestones
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (762 items)

    Two old but no less beautiful costume jewelry. It does not always have to be expensive to look beautiful and nice!
    The first brooch seems to be of copper, simple but decorative. The nice thing about this type of jewelry is that the color of clothes come through.
    The second brooch has four foiled paste stones and unfortunately there are four small stones around the heart of this brooch lost. An oldie but also a very funny trinket.

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    1. Agram.m Agram.m, 11 years ago
      freiheit and aghcollect thanks so much for loving!
    2. freiheit freiheit, 11 years ago
      Of course I like fine jewelry - but I equally love costume pieces. Because of the cost, collecting the real thing is limited, but well designed and made costume pieces provide me with just as much enjoyment. I love researching the pieces and learning from them. I wear almost all the jewelry I collect and sometimes I lose a piece. I still feel bad if this happens because chances are that I grew fond of it but at least it's not a big financial loss.
      I really like the big pin!
    3. freiheit freiheit, 11 years ago
      You are welcome, Agram.m.
    4. Agram.m Agram.m, 11 years ago
      freiheit thanks for your true comment. I lost till two day two jewels, unfortunately expensive also, and I regret it up till now. But there are also pieces I feel very close with. This has indeed nothing to do with costs. I fully agree your comment.
    5. Agram.m Agram.m, 11 years ago
      freiheit thanks, I wish you a wonderful new day.
    6. Aimathena Aimathena, 11 years ago
      Gorgeous. You have the most beautiful pieces of jewelry.
    7. Agram.m Agram.m, 11 years ago
      Aimathena, what a very nice compliment! I always look around very good to find nice pieces and sometimes I'm lucky. It's a nice hobby to share with other collectors like you.
    8. Aimathena Aimathena, 11 years ago
      I'm so glad you do. Otherwise I would never get to see such lovely pieces.
    9. Agram.m Agram.m, 11 years ago
      Aimathena you are too kind, but you have so much lovely pieces yourself. Here it's 9 pm to morrow I will take a good look on all your beautiful pieces.
    10. Agram.m Agram.m, 11 years ago
      vetraio50, inky, vintagejewel, Newtimes, toolate2, DrFluffy, kerry10456 and last but not least walksoftlywalksoftly thanks you all for your interest and loving!!
    11. Agram.m Agram.m, 11 years ago
      Valentino97 thank you for the compliment and loving
    12. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      Hello Lovely, hope you are well. I love the big one. It has my imagination going...reminds me of the scrolled walls in India so the ladies could look out at the men without being seen...,OR...a peep door screen on a door of a speakeasy...OR...I guess I like pieces that get my imagination moving.
      I have lots of pins but rarely wear them. Not for fear of losing them but because I never think I'm doing it right.
    13. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
    14. Agram.m Agram.m, 11 years ago
      SEAN68 thanks you for your nice friendly compliment and loving
    15. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      your very welcome Agram.m :)
    16. Agram.m Agram.m, 11 years ago
      AmberRose, nice that you have such a vivid imagination when seeing jewelry.
      Here all is well, with you and your family too? Thanks for all your lovings and interesting comments.

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