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Loetz Agate

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Recent Activity2509 of 3274Robert Eickholt Sunflower Paperweight Vase.Mougin Frères (Circa 1902-04) Organic “Wave” Form Art Nouveau Gres Vase
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (94 items)

    So I finally got the two vases I bought in december, and this is one of them. I expected it to be magnificent because of large amount of colors used in the marbling, but the size took me by surprise, I took a picture to demonstrate how much bigger it is as compared to regular vases in this shape.

    As to origins I suppose it's Bohemian (maybe Harrach?), I bought it in France, and enamel is French in style, so I think it could be that blank vase was exported to France and enameling done there.

    Cut at top, no pontil mark, pink casing inside, it had gilded bronze fittings top and bottom at some point of its life.

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    1. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 11 years ago
      Mesmerizing colors especially in the under-base and rich looking! BOB
    2. MacArt MacArt, 11 years ago
      Thank You for loves and comments!

      colors are what caught my eye too, usually marbled glass is with two colors, but this has like 5 I think.
    3. catteann catteann, 11 years ago
    4. inky inky, 11 years ago
      Fabulous! MacArt, gorgeous colours...don't you just love it when you haven't expected it to be so big and unwrap it.. and get surprised?'s like an added bonus!...:-)
    5. bohemianglassandmore bohemianglassandmore, 11 years ago
      Magnificent, Mac!
    6. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      beautiful and wonderful!!!
    7. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 11 years ago
      Wow. That's a special one!
    8. scottvez scottvez, 11 years ago
      Beautiful color and size!

    9. MacArt MacArt, 11 years ago
      I'm glad You all guys like it, thank You!

      Inky it was advertised as big, but still I expected smaller, You know like if You were buying "big gulvase" and expecting like 12 inch one which is big compared to 10 inch and receiving 17 inch, that was that kind of surprise :D
    10. SteveS SteveS, 11 years ago
      Hi again Mac
      Think this coloration (or a very similar one) is in one of the books (Truitt / Baldwin /Webb) as Agate (Loetz) ...
      There is also something very similar on the 2nd shelf among the Carneols in PGM ...
      Love these Marbled pieces ... (I won't torture with further off the cuff attempts at the German spelling) ... :-)
    11. MacArt MacArt, 11 years ago
      Hi SteveS!
      I hope I did not offend You with the correction in the German word, I very much appreciate Your help!
      I have not seen Loetz Agate, could You point me in direction of an image please? It would be very exciting if it came out to be Loetz, quality is good enough to be Loetz.
    12. SteveS SteveS, 11 years ago
      Hi Mac
      No O'Fence ... need a German speil checker in this group ... :-)
      The piece I had in mind is in "Moser Artistic Glass" Edition Two by Gary Baldwin ... p 157 from the Truitt's collection
      ... has the Red, Yellow, Orange and Blue but is only 4.5" tall ...
      ... not sure where you would get a suitable view of the PGM Cabinet ... send me an email perhaps ...
    13. SteveS SteveS, 11 years ago
      ... btw I would only rate Agate a 40-50% chance of being the correct Decor name ...
    14. MacArt MacArt, 10 years ago
      I stumbled upon this pair on ebay

      and am pretty confident it's made in the same house. one of those has all the same colors mine does but is slightly more red dominant and has pink lining same as mine.

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