Posted 11 years ago
(389 items)
Strange little punches that appear to be held between your thumb and index finger. When I purchased the nickle plated punch, it had a piece of paper in the punch exit hole. I am sure that it is not a paper punch. The punch itself uses a 1/16" diameter pin to do the punching and the gap between the anvils ar approx. 5/32". A very interesting little item that I come across at auctions from time to time.
Put your thinking caps on and tell me their use, could be that you have used them before or maybe you still use them.
I do know their use and will let you know it in two days, unless some brainiac knows befor then. .....hotairfan
These look like the tools cobblers used years ago to put the eyelets or grommets in a pair of shoes.
No fhrjr2, good guess, but not it's use. Please keep guessing. ...hotairfan
They look like the ones used by a train conductor to punch your ticket. Could be used to void any ticket
State of Florida Chad punch lol....sorry couldn't resist...
Not likely AzTom, not a train conductor's punch.....
Jmny, I think they since outlawed these in Fla. ...hotairfan
I should have asked, are they both for the same purpose? You only detail the plated one. The black one looks to have a larger hole.
My first thought was livestock punch but the gap (5/32) seems thin.
One of these :-)
to Aztom,
you are so close that I concede to your answer. They are both used for the same purpose, and it is for livestock. In particular, they were used to mark poultry. That is what they were called " Poultry Markers".
If you had free ranging chickens or ducks or any other small livestock on your farm, you would mark your chickens with a particular punch mark pattern on the comb or for ducks between the web of their feet. ... Thanks, now see how you can help me with tool beside the shoelace cutter, I really am at a brick wall with this one. ......hotairfan
to Manikin,
Yes that is the punch that I have listed. Good job to both you and AzTom for finding it so soon. The Ebay listing doesn't really discribe what it was used for. None the less, I'm sure that you would have found out right soon. It is listed in a reproduction Montgomery Ward catalog from 1890 as a poultyr marker. there are different models. The one in Montgomery Ward is like the one that I have with my caponizer tool. Understandably, you would want to know which rooster is caponized and which ones were not. I've also seen them shaped like a scissor with a punch on the end ..... hotairfan
Not being a meat eater and least of all poultry I would not have wanted that job :-) Nice post !
Sounds like Manikin thinks poultry is foul rather than fowl.
LOL exactly fhr ! I you know me to well :-)
Yippeee! I'll admit I was not thinking chickens.