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Tallies and Playing Cards

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Playing Cards164 of 3091920's playing cardsDragonnet Card Game in original package.
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (5 items)

    There are many Bridge and Whist tally cards used for scoring which have been published since the early 1900's (and some even slightly earlier). Their heyday was in the 20's when these games were at their height and these are examples from then. My interest is those which feature playing card images. The ones shown all have a second page where the scores would have been kept by each player. These ones are all die-cut (cut-out around the edge of the design).

    This is a great collectible, relatively easy to find and generally very reasonable.

    There is much information to be found on the website for 52 plus joker - a playing card collectors club. Check it out!

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    1. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
    2. inky inky, 11 years ago
      I would would have to frame these and put them on the wall...oh! no please don't say you have me now! searching for new and different 'stuff'...:-))))
    3. Cardlover Cardlover, 11 years ago
      Check out tallies on eBay, there are often some nice ones there. Antique shows and malls also.

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