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Commentary and Opinion II

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (240 items)

    I’ve been getting a lot of renewed interest in an earlier post called “Commentary and Opinion”. My conclusion is that there are a lot of people out there that experience and/or read very troubling behavior in posts of attacks and rude conduct when some people don’t agree with what others say.
    Some of what I said earlier concerning this behavior is as states:

    "Thanks so much for the nice comments! Yes, every group on the internet has people who are disruptive and cause problems. The real make up of a group is that they are recognized and shown the door. Some groups do that and others do not, that comes down to good group moderation, so you have to pick the groups carefully. I’ve belonged to a lot of groups over the years and this is the only one I belong to now. Yes, I do see issues in this site and again, the problem people need to be shown the door. Its simple, sufficient warning and then you go.
    And it does not mean that the person who is the problem is wrong in the point they are trying to make, its how they do it. People have to keep their emotions in check. Look, collecting is supposed to be fun. We are not in the UN here trying to solve the world problems. If it simply boils down to an ego issue, which much of it is, they have to control themselves and understand we all put our pants on one leg at a time.
    So I would say to people who are rude or abusive, get over it or get out.
    Many of us have fairly large investments and some of us are dealers and even if you are a casual collector. The last thing we want is to chase people off from collecting. What happens when its time to sell and there are not many people there to buy? I know that statement may be a bit extreme but is it really? It’s in all of our best interest to promote collecting and not discourage it."

    It’s sad to hear from so many people who agree with the existence of this issue and have experienced it.

    For those who are glass collectors and get the WVMAG All About Glass magazine this quarter, please read my article that addresses the shrinking ranks of glass collectors.


    1. antiques-in-nj antiques-in-nj, 11 years ago
      Thanks, and its good to take the high road. :)
    2. antiques-in-nj antiques-in-nj, 11 years ago
      The issue seems to be, in my opinion, egos and being in control. Its "Look at me, Im the expert who knows best". Well, that may be true and may not be, the real metal of a person is how they handle it. Ranting and being rude is obviously the wrong way. Teaching and learning is the right way. You command much more respect conducting yourself in that manner. And... it shows maturity.
    3. kerry10456 kerry10456, 11 years ago
      Very nicely stated, "GOOD FORM"
    4. antiques-in-nj antiques-in-nj, 11 years ago
    5. fortapache fortapache, 11 years ago
      Hopefully I will be well behaved here. Did not know that glass collecting is down. Did know that vintage toy prices took a drop.
    6. antiques-in-nj antiques-in-nj, 11 years ago
      I do believe that glass is down. There are a few dynamics working that go into it.
      One is the economy of course.
      The changing interests of younger generations towards antiques. Looking for more modern items from their childhood.
      Ebay has been a great thing for collectors but it has also made available more items then there are collectors so prices drop. This is true with the auctioning off of some specialized mega-collections. There is more material than collectors. This especially rings true with the more common items. There are always buyers for the high end rare stuff.
      Many collector clubs are all to aware of this and concerned about membership. Its a topic of discussion at annual conventions of many clubs.
    7. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 11 years ago
      I've only been on this forum for one year. I did observe some "Tensions" and disagreements over statements/opinions that some members expressed on particular subjects but overall I think people here are respectful of others' opinions. Some members may use the "Gentile" approach to answering people's questions while others will lay it out flat.
      I try to help newcomers get comfortable here by answering the most basic questions so as to make new members welcome and let them know that we are not a bunch of snobs who "pooh pooh" their queries.
      I have a vast knowledge of "things" acquired over years of Collecting, selling, buying, flea marketing, auctioning, appraising etc.. that I can offer an opinion on. I DO NOT get offended if someone corrects me if I'm wrong but at least my input generates other comments and we all learn.
      There are some interesting characters in our CW forum but that's what makes it like a family and makes it more interesting. What will So & So think about it, is a question I ask myself often. I've had a fabulous experience here that has benefited me greatly over the past year and I intend on staying aboard. RER (BOB)
    8. antiques-in-nj antiques-in-nj, 11 years ago
      I agree with you with the issue of that its pretty good on this site. This is why Ive settled here and am putting my 2 cents in.
      However its no without its issues. I know some that have been so harrassed over their opinions and have walked away.
      You, are a asset to the site and I know I appreciate your input!
    9. toolate2 toolate2, 11 years ago
      I've been hanging around here for three years or so now... and while there have been a few bad eggs... overall the people here are great! There's a real sense of community on this site that I haven't found anywhere else. Because of that it's been easy to spot the folks that are working some kind of agenda and avoid them. I have had to delete comments from time to time... But not very often. I guess what I'm trying to say is that THIS SITE ROCKS!!! Y And so do you...and you...and you... and you... Well you get the
    10. antiques-in-nj antiques-in-nj, 11 years ago
      Yes, it seems that glass groups seem to be prone to, at times, bad behavior. Maybe other groups too but Im a glass collector so that is where I see it.
      But, I do find this site one of the better sites and that is why Ive been here for a while and plan to stay.
      I just think its important to call people out when they do misbehave to say it mildly. As far as controlling it? Well it will never be totally controlled but proper management should somewhat keep it in check. I know sites like this are huge and hard to keep on top of it but you have to make a attempt to show they are being watched.
    11. smiata smiata, 11 years ago
      I have nothing but good things to say of all the folks who participate on this site. All the information that has been related to me from other members has been helpful, and kind. If I post something that is possibly a reproduction, its nice to know that folks that are more knowledgeable let me know. And each who have helped me has been the epitome of kindness. If, for any reason someone has a difference of opinion it is their right to voice how they feel. Given, that they use respect of others and use respectful language and examples of their information. I am here to learn from some of the best in the world. How else do you gain the information you so desire, if not from someone who has the experience and dedication of years of "doing" the work. So thank you for this site and the people that make it wonderful. I am honored to be a part of your community.
    12. antiques-in-nj antiques-in-nj, 11 years ago
      We are all here to learn and most are very nice and respectful, I fully agree. Im just stating that there are bad apples at times and that does not benefit anyone. I understand that a collector is someone who is very passionate about what they collect and that may get in the way of within a discussion, human nature I guess.
    13. Trey Trey, 11 years ago
      I've been on here for over three years and luckily only came in contact with only one bad apple and am happy to say they are gone now all nasty comments erased like they weren't even here. Happy collecting everyone.

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