Posted 11 years ago
(649 items)
This beautiful Ausführung 157 vase came to me from a most unexpected source - one of my old college professors. He was having a garage sale, and when he posted his photos online, I spotted this right away, because it stuck out - and it was different from everything else he had in his sale. I asked him to let me buy it, and he went one better... he just sent it to me!
(REVISION) - I originally assigned this to Series III Prod. Nr. 510, but this was incorrect. The Musterschnitte pattern (last photo) shows the 9" version of PN II-8441 (also 1914). This is the proper PN, down to the size and decors listed in the production notes. This one is Ausführung 157, Dunkelblau (dark blue) with Opal. The pontil is ground and polished, as you can see. There are no marks.
This shape, size and decor were used by designer Michael Powolny in the Werkbund Exhibition in Cologne in 1914, but it is unclear if it was used by Powolny in this color. Regardless, dark blue is beautiful, and is offset nicely by the opal applied lines and rim.
Simple elegance
Oooooh, love those white stripes and specially hoe they look at the base!!! Such a beautiful vase!
.... what you really need is a Hard-Hat ! ... all these lovely things dropping out of the Sky !!! ...
Beautiful piece btw ...
... long may it continue .... :-)
great piece