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11" Stoneware Vessel/ Incised Design/ Signed S. Forbes with Unknown Impressed Mark

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (1232 items)

    Got this piece out of the showcase at Salvation Army this morning. I needed to find someone to open it and Christy has the key. The other clerk went to get her and when she saw it was me she said "Oh it's just that pain in the butt" She really is a sweet heart though. So this is a signed piece and a quick search online turns up a Raku pottery artist in North Carolina named Steven Forbes-de Soule. ( He's been a professional studio artist since 1980. His current work looks nothing like this so that's what makes me wonder if it's the same person. His current pieces are highly iridescent almost like Tiffany Favrile but in large vessel forms and some sculptures. Really beautiful ! It could be an earlier piece but I'll have to research it more to be really sure. Unless some one on CW is familiar with his work. -Mike-

    NOTE: I actually e-mailed and received a reply from Mr. Forbes-de Soule. He said he didn't "think" it was his work. He also asked me were I found it. I thought that was a odd answer because he wasn't more definite. Very nice of him to take time and answer my question though. -Mike-

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    1. mikelv85 mikelv85, 11 years ago
      It really looks like it was done while still wet. You can see where the clay piles up at the end of the strokes that form the letters. There's no way a dremel can do that. Each stroke would be clean and smooth and look etched and powdery. I had this posted on another forum and while still an unknown name and side mark. They said it was a quality piece by someone who not only was creative, but really knew how to throw a pot. -Mike-
    2. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 9 years ago
      Didn't "think" it was his, lol. Doesn't recognize his own writing, LOL! :))
    3. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      I imagine he's made so many pieces he just can't remember them

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